Service Group Application Reference

Service Group Application Reference

Response Codes Values

Response Codes Values

SSA-NAME3 modules return response codes that are character based, so your application shows the response codes as 6 numeric characters at offsets of 0 (primary) and 10 (secondary) in the response code parameter.
Use the Test-bed to set descriptions for the response code.
The following table lists all the supported response codes:
No errors
Invalid function
Only functions 1 through 6 are valid.
Invalid function
Invalid function
Only functions 1 and 2 are valid.
Non-numeric Work-area size.
The Work-area size passed in the Work-area must be 6-bytes, zoned numeric, with leading zeros.
Invalid function
Only functions 1, 2, and 3 are valid.
Invalid function
Only functions 1 and 2 are valid.
Invalid function
Category type not implemented
An entry in the Edit-list uses a category defined as being an unimplemented category type.
The Formatting routine is customizable, so non-Informatica Corporation supplied categories are flagged as warnings when the Edit-list is created.
Invalid function
Invalid function
Invalid function
Invalid function
Invalid function
Bad parameter
specifies the bad parameter.
  • 02 indicates Parameter 2
  • 03 indicates Parameter 3
  • 04 indicates Parameter 4
  • 05 indicates Parameter 5
  • 06 indicates Parameter 6
No Major Name/Empty Stack
can be one of the following values:
  • 00 Empty stack
  • 01 No Major name
  • 02 No Major name
  • 03 Empty stack
  • 04 No Major name
Bad Parameters
One or more of the parameters to the DEBUG Service is bad or missing, and
specifies the bad parameter:
  • 02 indicates Parameter 2
  • 03 indicates Parameter 3
  • 04 indicates Parameter 4
  • 05 indicates Parameter 5
  • 06 indicates Parameter 6
Bad parameters list
A parameter was bad, and
specifies the bad parameter.
  • 02 indicates Parameter 2
  • 03 indicates Parameter 3
  • 04 indicates Parameter 4
  • 05 indicates Parameter 5
  • 06 indicates Parameter 6
  • 07 indicates Parameter 7
02nn35 Bad Parameters or Entry Point not found SSAPSSA 01 Bad Parameters or Entry Point not found 02 Bad Parameter 2 03 Bad Parameter 3 04 Bad Parameter 4 05 Bad Parameter 5 06 Bad Parameter 6 02nn38 Replacement word loop detected SSAFSSA A word was replaced and then replaced until a loop limit of 15 was reached. The word is output in the stack as the last replacement. This response code is meant as a warning as some replacement loops are valid. 00 Loop detected in phrase replacement 01 Word loop detected 02 Word loop detected, recovery failed 03 Word loop detected 020042 Replacement word loop detected N3CN 02nn46 No Major Name/Empty Stack SSATSSA 00 Empty stack 01 No Major name 02 No Major name 03 Empty stack 04 No Major name 05 Empty stack 06 No Major name 07 No Part found 02nn52 No Major Name/Empty Stack SSATSSA/SSARSSA 020058 Bad password SSAZSSA 02nn81 Bad Parameters or Entry Point not found SSAISSA 02 Bad Parameter 2 03 Bad Parameter 3 04 Bad Parameter 4 05 Bad Parameter 5 06 Bad Parameter 6 07 Bad Parameter 7 030028 Algorithm not found SSABSSA 030030 Matching table not present SSADSSA A bad link of the application may have occurred. 03nn46/52 Bad response from Cleaning SSATSSA/SSARSSA 030035 Bad response from cleaning SSAPSSA There was a bad response code from the cleaning routine 030133 Loop in Cleaning SSAMSSA 030233 Bad response from Cleaning SSAMSSA 040028 No Schemes defined SSABSSA 040030 Schemes table not present SSADSSA A bad link of the application may have occurred. 040035 Bad response from Stabilization SSAPSSA There was a bad response code from the Word Stabilization routine 040038 No possible major found in stack SSAFSSA After editing there was no word that could be used as the Major. This normally means that the name was edited to an empty stack. 040133 Loop in Formatting SSAMSSA 040233 Bad response from Formatting SSAMSSA 04nn46/52 Bad response from Stabilization SSATSSA/SSARSS 05nn28 Bad address SSABSSA 01 Algorithm list 02 Cleaning signature 03 Formatting signature 04 Stabilization signature 05 Character set signature 06 Edit-list signature 07 Frequency table signature 08 Authorization signature 09 Service list 10 Matching schemes signature 11 Matching methods signature 12 Link table 05nn29 Module entry point not found SSACSSA 01 Service Group 02 Link Table 03 Cleaning 04 Cleaning program 07 NAMESET 08 NAMESET program 30 SSA-NAME3-OPTIONS 31 Compound name options 050030 Scheme not found SSADSSA The scheme parameter specified a nonexistent scheme name. Check it for spelling and, if correct, check your Matching schemes definition module. 050033 No major word found SSAMSSA The name parameter contained no valid name components. 05nn46 Module entry point not found SSATSSA 01 Formatting 02 Stabilization 03 Character-set 04 Edit-list 05 Frequency tables 08 Signatures 11 Compound name 12 Cleaning 20 SSA-NAME3-OPTIONS 21 Edit-list used signatures 22 Frequency table used signatures 23 Authorization table CLEANING-OPTIONS 24 CLEANING-OPTIONS 25 Authorization table FORMATTING-OPTIONS 26 FORMATTING-OPTIONS 27 Authorization table STABILIZATION-OPTIONS 28 STABILIZATION-OPTIONS 29 Authorization table SSA-NAME3-OPTIONS 30 SSA-NAME3-OPTIONS 050035 No name entered SSAPSSA The name parameter contained no valid name components 05nn42 Module entry point not found N3CN 01 Character-set table 1 14 Character-set table 14 15 Character-set table 15 20 Cleaning options 060030 Algorithm not found SSADSSA The algorithm name was not found in the Service Group. 060033 Bad response from the code key routine SSAMSSA The CODE KEY Service returned a bad response code 06nn46/52 Authorization failure SSATSSA/SSARSSA 01 Formatting 02 Stabilization 03 Character set 04 Edit-list 05 Frequency tables 06 Used Edit-list 07 Used Frequency tables 08 Cleaning 11 Name length 12 Aliases 13 Left/right Major 15 17 bit codes 16 Keys-stack size 17 Words-stack size 18 Search-table size 20 CLEANING-OPTIONS 21 FORMATTING-OPTIONS 22 STABILIZATION-OPTIONS 23 SSA-NAME3-OPTIONS 06nn35 Module entry point not found SSAPSSA 01 Cleaning 02 Stabilization 03 Character-set tables 04 Character-set table 4 05 Character-set table 5 06 Character-set table 6 07 Character-set table 11 070030 Algorithm parameter unknown SSADSSA
The specified parameter does not match any of the known algorithm parameters. See the
for the algorithm definitions. (E.g. NAME-FORMAT=R)
070146/52 Loop in Formatting SSATSSA/SSARSSA 070246/52 Loop in Cleaning SSATSSA/SSARSSA 07nn33 Program entry point not found SSAMSSA 01 Word-key 02 Stabilization 03 Cleaning 04 Formatting 20 Service Group 21 Link Table 07nn35 Program entry point not found SSAPSSA 01 Cleaning 02 Stabilization 080030 Algorithm parameter unmodifiable SSADSSA The algorithm definition/parameter can not be modified. 080033 Bad response from Stabilization SSAMSSA 08nn46/52 Bad Module Type SSATSSA/SSARSSA
Authorization failed on a module. The module type was compared with a known constant string that has been defined for each of the SSA-NAME3 modules. The
output has two sections called
, these two sections have lines for each module similar to the following,
41 CS : n3cs 3CS Jul 4 1997 15:06:17 ^^^^^^^^
is the module type, in the case of this error the characters in the îndicated positions did not match between the two sections.
indicates the module that failed, according to the following.
01 Cleaning "CLN " 02 Formatting "FMT " 03 Stabilization "STD " 04 Character-set "3CS " 05 Edit-list "3EL " 06 Frequency table "3TB " 07 Authorization "3SG "
090030 Algorithm parameter value bad SSADSSA
The value specified was bad e.g. cannot change name-length to less than 10 or greater than 255.
090038 Entry point not found - n3popt SSAFSSA 09nn33 Entry point not found SSAMSSA 01 Code key 02 Stabilization 03 Cleaning 04 Formatting 09nn46/52 Bad Module Type SSATSSA/SSARSSA
Authorization failed on a module. The version number of the module was compared with the first six characters in the current SSA-NAME3 release number. The
output has two sections called
, these two sections have lines for each module similar to the following,
41 CS : n3cs 3CS Jul 4 1997 15:06:17 ^^^^^^
is the module version, in the case of this error the characters in the îndicated positions did not match. This usually happens when the exporting was performed on the PC using a version of SSA-NAME3 that is different from that running on the target system.
indicates the module that failed, according to the following:
01 Cleaning 02 Formatting 03 Stabilization 04 Character-set 05 Edit-list 06 Frequency table 07 Authorization 10nn30 Algorithm parameter function not loaded SSADSSA
Debug parameter was invalid. The specified replacement could not be done. For example the specified module was not found (e.g.
). nn specifies the program or module that could not be loaded, as follows,
01 Cleaning
02 Formatting
03 Stabilization
04 Character-set
05 Edit-list
06 Frequency table
Work-area guard overwritten - increase Work-area size.
A Work-area size was passed in the Work-area and that size is not large enough for the SSA-NAME3 Service to complete its work. The Work-area size and Work-area size value should be increased. To determine an accurate setting for the Work-area size, run a Test-bed for the Service getting the error and check the output
100046/52 Algorithm not authorized SSATSSA/SSARSSA 100038 Invalid function SSAFSSA 11nn30 Bad parameter size SSADSSA 02 NKEYS > 99 03 NWORDS > 99 04 NRANGES > 99 07 Missing ’-’ or ’=’ after options 08 Non-numeric option number 09 Missing ’=’ after option number 10 Option number out of range 11nn46 Bad function syntax SSATSSA 00 Bad function syntax 01 Function name not found in Service Group. 02 Invalid keyword 03 Invalid FILESIZE 04 No FILESIZE 05 BASE name too long 06 No BASE name 07 BASE name not found in Service Group 08 No pattern 09 Level too long 10 Scaler not allowed 11 Too many blanks 12 Missing delimiter 13 Protected BASE function 14 Pattern not allowed 15 Invalid character in scaler/pattern. Only digits, W or I allowed. 16 Non-numeric SPSIZE 17 Non-numeric SPTRUNC 19 <number> in REPEAT=<number> is non numeric 20 Bad function syntax 11nn67 Bad function syntax 00 Bad function syntax 01 Function name not found in Service Group 02 Invalid keyword 03 Bad MTBL size 05 BASE name too long 06 No BASE name 07 BASE name not found in Service Group 11 Too many blanks 12 Missing delimeter 13 Protected BASE function 18 Too many trailing blanks 20 Missing asterisk 21 Bad ACCEPT-LIMIT 22 Maximum ACCEPT-LIMIT=101 exceeded 23 Bad LIMIT 24 Maximum limit=101 exceeded 25 Bad REJECT-LIMIT 26 Maximum REJECT-LIMIT=100 exceeded 27 Maximum MTBL=9999 exceeded 28 Maximum field name len=32 exceeded 29 Field name not found 30 Too many blanks before field name 31 Field name expected, asterisk found 32 Maximum field name length=32 exceeded 33 Bad NULL-SCORE - Non-numeric or more than three digits 34 Maximum NULL-SCORE=100 exceeded 35 Fields= non-numeric 36 Fields= terminator invalid 37 Fields= length invalid00 120030 Numeric value too large SSADSSA 120046 Search too wide SSATSSA The number of tokens in the input name is less than was specified on the STOP= keyword. 130046/52 Bad response from Formatting SSATSSA/SSARSSA 14nn46/52 Bad parameters SSATSSA/SSARSSA 00 Bad parameters 02 . . . 09 Bad Parameter 2. . . .9 20 Length (internal error) 21 ALGPTR (internal error) 22 SVCPTR (internal error) 14nn58 Bad Parameter SSAZSSA 02 Bad Parameter 2 03 Bad Parameter 3 04 Bad Parameter 4 05 Bad Parameter 5 06 Bad Parameter 6 150042 N3CN Bad name length 15nn46/52 Bad name length SSATSSA/SSARSSA 01 Name length must be <= 255 02 Name length must be >= 10 16nn46/52 Control fields do not match SSATSSA/SSARSSA 01 Name length 02 Aliases 03 Left/right Major 04 Compatible 05 17 bit codes 06 Keys-stack size 07 Words-stack size 08 Search-table size 10 Cleaning options 11 Formatting options 12 Stabilization options 13 Name3 options
Usually caused by a unauthorized Algorithm.
17nn46 Keys-stack overflow SSATSSA
This is a warning to notify the caller that more keys were generated than would fit into the Keys-stack. Consider increasing
in the Algorithm Definition.
18nn38 Words-stack overflow SSAFSSA
This is a warning to notify the caller that more words were found than would fit into the Words-stack. Consider increasing
in the Algorithm Definition.
19nn46 Search-table overflow SSATSSA
This is a warning to notify the caller that more search ranges were generated than would fit into the Search-table. Consider increasing
in the Algorithm Definition.
200036/67 Undefined Scheme name SSASSSA/SSAQSSA 21nn29 Bad response from Cleaning SSACSSA 00 Bad response from Cleaning 02 Before NAMESET 220036/67 Total weight was zero SSASSSA/SSAQSSA score=0 weight=0 22nn46/52 SSAN3NM not found. SSATSSA/SSARSSA 230029 Uncontrolled iteration SSACSSA 23nn36 Invalid SCORE function SSASSSA 00 Only function = 1 is allowed 01 Invalid function from method. 230046 Replacement loop in MVF processor. SSATSSA 23nn67 Invalid MATCH Function SSAQSSA 00 Invalid MATCH Function 02 Invalid Function name in Scheme definition 240029 Bad parameter SSACSSA 240036/67 Bad score from method SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
A method returned a negative score or score > 100
Missing control table.
Bad weight modifier from method
A method returned a negative weight modifier
260036/67 Arithmetic overflow SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
An internal error - arithmetic error calculating the score
270036/67 Undefined method name SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
A method name could not be found in the Matching Scheme definition file.
28nn36/67 Method entry point unavailable SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
A method was not linked. Check the link step of the application and/or the Matching scheme definition file.
300021 No name length specified N3SCC
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
300022 No name length specified N3SCD
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
300023 No name length specified N3SCE
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
300024 No name length specified N3SCF
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
300025 No name length specified N3SCG
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
300026/29 Name length of 0 specified N3SCH/N3SCK
Local options specify a name length of 0. Specify
in the
local options in the Scheme Definitions files.
3000mm Bad length All Matching Methods 21 N3SCC 22 N3SCD 23 N3SCE 24 N3SCF 25 N3SCG 65 N3SCJ 79 N3SCL 30nn28 Bad response from permissions SSABSSA 30nn67
Incorrect use of Matching Option ORDER or NOORDER.
01 Both NOORDER & ORDER specified when mutually exclusive. 02 TRIGGER > 100 03 SEQ > 100 04 POS > 100 05 Both POS & SEQ specified when mutually exclusive. 31nnmm Bad response from a called module
Caused by the Search name being matched.
01 Cleaning 02 Formatting 05 Stabilization 06 NAMESET 32nnmm Bad response from a called module.
Caused by the File name being matched.
01 Cleaning 02 Formatting 03 MATCH 05 Stabilization 06 NAMESET 330036/67 Nothing Scores. SSASSSA/SSAQSSA 340036/67 No Algorithm supplied. SSASSSA/SSAQSSA 350024 Bad pattern specified. N3SCF 330079 Bad Word Stack Size. N3SCL 36nn81 Invalid Table specified. SSAISSA
The table name specified in the Search Buffer was not recognized by the INFO Service.
370081 End of List. SSAISSA
The INFO Service returns the following error codes when a service group cannot load or unload:
85 Service group cannot unload. 86 Service group cannot load. Cannot find the service group file such as n3sgus.ysg, so set the SSAUSGDIR environment variable to point to the directory path of the service group file. 87 Service group cannot load. Cannot find the service group file such as n3sgus.ysg, so set the SSAUSGDIR environment variable to point to the directory path of the service group file.
Returned by the INFO Service to indicate that no records meet the search criteria (function 1), or there are no more records left to retrieve for this ’get next’ request (function 2).
900060 Service could not return Extended Response Code TESTBED
The response code is filled by the Service to indicate the success or otherwise of the Call. A value of 00 indicates that all was well, any other value flags an error. It is recommended that the calling application initializes this parameter with the value 90, this is guaranteed to never be generated by any SSA-NAME3 Service and therefore can be used to differentiate between a call that had a Service generated error, and one that never reached the Service or incorrectly specified the parameters. Since
behaves like a user application by calling services, it too initializes the resp code to 90 to help identify any failure in the call mechanism.
91nn32 Load file not found SSALSSA 01 Edit-list 02 Frequency table 91nn31 Module entry point not found SSAESSA
is the entry point that could not be found, as follows,
03 MATCH 04 DEBUG 05 BROWSE 06 Major Word-key 07 Word-key 11 NAMESET 12 Cleaning 13 Formatting 14 Stabilization 15 TRACE 16 SSAXSSA 91nn36/67 Module entry point not found SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
is the entry point that could not be found, as follows,
02 Method entry point 03 NAMESET 04 Stabilization 05 Cleaning 06 Formatting 12 Algorithm 92nn31 Entry point not found SSAESSA 01 SSAUSSA 02 GETSVC 03 GETALG 92nn32 Invalid type in Edit-list file SSALSSA 930032 Invalid type in Frequency table file SSALSSA 930031 Debug Service not enabled SSAESSA
The Debug Service must be enabled in the Service Group Definition file, this is done with the
directive. If this is not present or is commented out the
Service cannot be accessed by your application.
941129 Invalid NAMESET program type SSACSSA 94nn31 Invalid program type SSAESSA
The program type was invalid, for example you attempted to call aWord Stabilization routine (perhaps a customized routine) which had a program type that was not "STD ". This program type is defined in the signature of all SSA-NAME3 modules. A common mistake might be specifying the wrong module name in the Service Group definition file for the Word Stabilization module (e.g. mixing up the Cleaning and Word Stabilization modules).
03 MATCH 04 DEBUG 05 BROWSE 06 Major Word-key 07 Word-key 10 MATCH 11 NAMESET 12 Cleaning 13 Formatting 14 Stabilization 15 TRACE 16 XSSA 17 INFO 94nn32 Memory allocation failed for Edit-list SSALSSA 94nn36/67 Invalid program type SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
The type of the program was invalid, for example you attempted to call a Word Stabilization routine (perhaps a customized routine) which had a program type that was not "STD ". This program type is defined in the signature of all SSA-NAME3 modules. A common mistake might be specifying the wrong module name in the Service Group definition file for theWord Stabilization module (e.g. mixing up the Cleaning andWord Stabilization modules).
04 Stabilization 05 Cleaning 06 Formatting 96nn28 Module entry point not found SSABSSA
The service was not called because the module was not linked into the application. Check the link of the application.
specifies the module that was missing, as follows,
01 Link table 02 SSAZSSA 03 SSAZSSA 96nn31 Module entry point not found SSAESSA
The service was not called because the module was not linked into the application. Check the link of the application.
specifies the module that was missing, as follows,
01 Link table 02 Service Group 03 MATCH 04 DEBUG 05 BROWSE 06 Major Word-key 07 Word-key 11 NAMESET 12 Cleaning 13 Formatting 14 Stabilization 15 TRACE 16 XSSA 17 INFO 96nn36/67 Module entry point not found SSASSSA/SSAQSSA
The service was not called because the module was not linked into the application. Check the link of the application.
specifies the module that was missing, as follows,
01 Service Group 02 Link table 03 NAMESET 04 Stabilization 05 Cleaning 06 Formatting 12 SSAUSSA 96nn31 Entry point not found SSAESSA
The service was not called because the module was not linked into the application. Check the link of the application.
specifies the module that was missing, as follows,
01 Link table 02 MDT 03 MATCH 04 DEBUG 05 BROWSE 06 SSAMAJ 07 SSAPHO 08 NAME3 Compound name 09 NAME3 10 NAMESET Compound name 11 NAMESET 12 SSACLN 13 SSAFMT 14 SSASTD 15 TRACE 16 XSSA 970036/67 SSASSSA/SSAQSSA Algorithm used by Method is undefined 97nn31 Undefined Algorithm SSAESSA 980031 Undefined Service SSAESSA 990031 Invalid Service type SSAESSA


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