Service Group Application Reference

Service Group Application Reference



The TRACE Service is an expanded form of the Formatting Service. Its purpose is to record the processes performed on a name or address as it passes through the Formatting Service.
Examples of applications which use TRACE are:
  • Formatting a free-format name to discover attributes for use in the personalization of letters (e.g. discovery of First Name, Family Name, Salutation etc.).
  • Formatting a free-format address to discover attributes for use in geo-coding (e.g. discovery of locality).
Most uses of the TRACE Service will rely on a good Edit-list. For example, to determine a person’s Salutation when one did not previously exist requires an Edit-list with a well defined First Name Gender section.
The result of a Call to TRACE is an enhanced Words-stack containing the Edit-list categories and other information for each word, initial and code in the name or address.
The application which calls TRACE will analyze and process the enhanced Words-stack and make decisions based on the attributes it discovers.


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