Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Customer 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Finding Records
  6. Editing Records
  7. Working with Drafts
  8. Participating in Review Processes
  9. Importing Data
  10. Resolving Duplicates
  11. Investigating Data Changes
  12. Investigating Hierarchies and Relationships
  13. Viewing the Relationship Graph

Import Summary Report

Import Summary Report

When you import data into
Customer 360
database, the import operation generates a summary report.
The report lists the following information:
  • Number of records created
  • Number of records updated
  • Number of records processed with exceptions
  • Number of records not imported because the import was stopped before completion
The following image shows a sample import summary report:
The import report gives a summary of the records created, updated, and rejected during the import process.
In addition, the report shows the selected template, the name of the import file, and the match rule set used in the ad hoc match.
The import operation writes the rejected records to a CSV file. You can download the rejected records, analyze, identify the issues with the records, and update the records. You can reimport the corrected records.


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