MDM Registry Edition
- MDM Registry Edition 10.1
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Menu item
| Function
| Allows the user to start the MDM-RE Servers.
| Allows the user to stop the MDM-RE Servers.
| Allows the user to determine the current status the MDM-RE Servers.
Menu item
| Function
| Allows the user to switch between different Rulebases.
| Invokes the Rulebase Editor to edit the current Rulebase, defined by Rulebase Name and Rulebase Server.
| Allows the user to create and initialize a new Rulebase.
| Use this option to force the Console Client to resynchronize its connection to the Rulebase. This may be necessary if a batch script has been run which has altered the state of the Rulebase in any way.
It should not be necessary to use this option in the majority of cases. Only users who are running scripts which interact with MDM-RE outside of the Console may need to do so.
Menu item
| Function
| Allows the user to create and initialize a new Database.
Menu item
| Function
| Parameters
| Use this option to create a new System. A dialog will be presented allowing the user to indicate the source of the new System, which can be "SDF File" or "Clone the Current System". When a selection has been made, click
OK and a appropriate dialog appears.
| |
Create System from an SDF
| Allows the user to specify a
system.sdf file. The Console Server then runs
sysload to load the definitions in
system.sdf into the Rulebase. This new System will then be added to the list of available Systems. The user must also supply the database name to be used during the System Load.
| System Name: The name of the new system to be created must be specified here. This name must match with the name specified in the system definition file. (Mandatory parameter.)
Definition File: Specify the name of the system definition file which describes the new system. Mandatory parameter.
Database: The name of the database to be used by the system.
Import a System from a flat file
| Creates (restores) a System from a flat file which was created using the
option. Systems can only be imported using the same software version there were exported with.
| Input file: Specify the name of the flat file, which contains the System to be imported. Mandatory parameter.
System name: Specify the name of the system to be imported, into the current Rulebase. This name may be different from the original System which was exported. Mandatory parameter.
Match System name: Check this option to verify that the new system name, supplied by the user, matches the System name stored in the input file.
Import As Template: Import normally restores all system rules including the status of all objects that have been implemented. This is analogous to a database "restore" operation. Specifying
Import As Template instructs the process to remove information about implemented objects so that the System can be used as a template for a new System.
Clone the current System
| Make a copy of the currently selected System. The new system is assigned a new, user-supplied, name and is given a status of "build".
| New System name: Specify the name to be given to the new System. Mandatory parameter.
Database: The name of the database to be used by the new System.
| The user can select a System from the current Rulebase. This System becomes the default System to be used in any subsequent operations, which require a System.
| System Name: Select a system from the list of available systems in the current Rulebase, to be used as the default system.
| The user can delete a System from the current Rulebase. Before an already loaded system can be deleted, its status must be changed from "Locked".
| System Name: Select a system from the list of available systems in the current Rulebase, to be deleted from the Rulebase.
System Status
| Displays the status of the current System and allows the user to change it.
When performing an operation that is incompatible with an object’s status (for example, refreshing a locked system) the Console will permit the user to automatically unlock the object for a single operation or, optionally, for the entire session. This makes it easy to prototype multiple system changes and load operations without the need to constantly unlock it.
| Build: If the system status is set to "build" then it means that the system has not been loaded yet.
Locked: Select this option, to lock the current system, and no changes can be done to it until it is unlocked. By default, the Table Loader will set the status to "Locked" after a successful load.
Production: By selecting this option, the current system status will be set to "Production". No further changes can be made to the system.
Test: By selecting this option, the current system status will be set to "Test". A test system can be modified.
Prototype: This option sets the System status to "Prototype". No further changes can be made to the System including changing its status. Prototype Systems can only be copied to a new System (that is they can be used as a template). Users can not set Systems to this status.
| This option allows the user to either edit a new system or continue editing of a previously edited system.
| |
| Export an existing System’s rules. This is usually done for backup purposes or to transfer the System rules to another Rulebase.
The output is written in SDF format, which is useful when transferring clear-text rules to another Rulebase. Use
from SDF to load a system from an SDF file.
| Output file: Specify the name of the file that will contain the exported system. Mandatory parameter.
| Load the system.
| Load System: Check this option to load the selected system in the current Rulebase. Mandatory parameter.
Load SSA-NAME3 SVG’s: Check this option to load SSA-NAME3 v1.8 Service Groups (deprecated).
Export SVG
| Export an SSA-NAME3 v1.8 Service Group from the current system to a flat file (deprecated).
| Service Group: Select the name of the Service Group to be exported.
Output file: Specify the name of the flat file, which will contain the exported Service Group.
| The user can delete all existing database objects created for this system (IDTs, IDXs, PID, Forced Link/Unlink rules and triggers). Before an already loaded system can be refreshed, its status must be changed from "locked".
Menu item
| Function
| Parameters
Search Client
| Launches the MDM-RE Search Client.
The parameters passed to the Client will be the current System name, current Rulebase name and current Search Server address. Note that this option can be used to launch several Search Clients one after the other. So, by launching a Search Client, changing the default System name and then launching another Search Client it is possible to have two Search Clients running simultaneously but using different Systems.
| |
| Run the
DupFinder utility (that is relate in
DupFinder mode).
| Output File
Specify the name of the file to store the matching records (all records not written to the optional
-m0 and
-m1 files). Mandatory parameter.
Search Definition
Select a Search Definition to be used. Mandatory parameter.
Search Width
Select a predefined search width. Narrow, Typical, Exhaustive or Extreme to be used.
Match Tolerance
Select a predefined match tolerance: Conservative, Typical or Loose to be used.
Output Format
Specify the report format. Values 0–7 are valid.
Starting Record ID
Specify the starting record id here.
Return Search records Only Check this option to display only the duplicate search records.
Remove Search Record
Check this option to remove the search record from the resulting set.
Append New Line
Check this option, if a new line has to be append after each search record and viceversa. Valid only for output formats 0 and 3.
Trim Trailing Blanks
Check this option, if the blank spaces have to be trimmed and vice-versa. Valid only for output formats 0 and 3.
Run Clustering
| Runs a selected clustering Once data has been loaded into an IDT, it may be clustered. This is the process of grouping like rows. For example, you may cluster by name in order to identify duplicates, or you may wish to cluster by name and address to identify "households".
| Search Definition Select a Search Definition to use. Mandatory parameter.
Singles Report File Specify the name of report file to have single-member clusters.
Plurals Report File Specify the name of report file to have multi-member clusters.
All Clusters Report File Specify the name of report file to contain single-member clusters (a.k.a. Singles), as well as multi-member clusters (a.k.a. Plurals).
Load ID-Table
| Allows the user to select a Loader-Definition. The Console Server then executes the utilities required to load the ID-Table.
| Loader Definition Select the name of the loader-definition to be run.
Run Program
| Runs a user-specified program on the server.
| Command Line
Specify the program to run followed by its parameters.
| Runs Relate on the Server using the Search-Definition selected by the user.
| |
Execute SQL
| Allows the user to specify a file containing SQL. The Console Server then invokes
ssaplus , passing the supplied name as a parameter.
| Log On
Identifies the database against which the SQL should be run.
Default Logon Check this option to use the default logon.
File Name
Specify the file containing the SQL to be executed.
| Run the Relative Performance Utility to compare search strategies.
| Input File: Name of the file containing input records. Mandatory parameter.
Output File: The name of the output file to use. Mandatory parameter.
Search Definition: Select a Search Definition to be used. Mandatory parameter.
Output View: Name of the output view to use.
Input View: Nominates the view that describes the input records. If not specified then the IDT layout will be assumed.
Text Report: Generated report with be in text format. The default is a tab delimited report ideal for use with spread sheets.
Secondary Report: Generate a second report for each search ordered by Match Tolerances instead on SearchWidths.
Alternate Report: Generate an alternative style report with a histogram of accepted count.
Build Default Stats View: Check this option to generate a default statistical view for use during the
relperf run. When using this option an output view does not need to be specified. If an output view is specified then the generated view will consist of all the fields in the specified view plus any fields in the default statistical view that are not already present.
Clustering Viewer
| The Clustering Viewer can be used to view the results of various Clustering runs.