Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Configuring the Data Director Application
  4. Establishing a Root Node
  5. Defining the Business Entity Model
  6. Configuring Business Entity Properties
  7. Configuring Reference Entity Properties
  8. Transforming Business Entities and Views
  9. Managing Many-to-Many Relationships
  10. Configuring Search
  11. Configuring Workflow Tasks and Triggers
  12. Configuring Security and Data Filters for Business Entities
  13. Integrating Data as a Service
  14. Configuring External Calls
  15. Designing the Data Director User Interface
  16. Localizing Data Director
  17. Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

Provisioning Tool Frequently Asked Questions

The following answers to frequently asked questions offer a good introduction to the Provisioning tool:
What does the Provisioning tool do?
You can use the Provisioning tool to define business entity models, tasks, and transformations, and design the user interface for
Data Director
Where should the Provisioning tool be installed?
The Provisioning tool must be running on the same application server as the Hub Server.
When I publish the configuration files to the MDM Hub, is the configuration validated?
Yes. The Repository Manager validates the configuration and reports any errors.
Can I use special characters such as '_' in name fields?
No. You cannot use special characters in names in the Provisioning tool. If you plan to generate a business entity schema from a subject area configuration, you must first remove the special characters from any names in the subject area configuration.
What happens when more than one person configures business entities for the same Operational Reference Store at the same time?
If the business entity configuration in the Operational Reference Store has changes that are not included in your configuration, the Provisioning tool notifies you. You can choose to publish your configuration and overwrite all configuration that is in the MDM Hub.
Because it is possible that one person can inadvertently overwrite the changes made by another person, Informatica recommends people co-ordinate with one another before using the Provisioning tool.
What happens when changes are made to the schema configuration in the MDM Hub while you are updating configurations?
As you work on the configuration files, you save your changes to a temporary workspace when you click Apply. The changes are not applied until you publish your changes. If multiple users change the business entity configuration for an ORS simultaneously, the MDM Hub is updated with the most recently published configuration.
After you click Apply, you cannot edit your changes. Discard the changes, or publish the changes to edit them.
What is the maximum number of levels that a business entity model can have?
Unlike subject areas, which have a maximum depth of three, you are not limited in the number of levels the business entity model can have.
How do I create and configure base objects?
Use the Schema tool in the Hub Console to create and configure base objects.
How do I define constraints between base objects?
Use the Relationship tool in the Hub Console to define constraints between base objects.


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