Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 2
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GET http://localhost:8080/cmx/report/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/list?show=all
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The request returns the report ID in the{ "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG": "SVR1.2X9N0", "DIMENSION_NAME_1": "Task Priority", "DIMENSION_NAME_2": "Task Type", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME": "null", "RPT_NAME": "Task Priority/Type Report", "RPT_DESC": "Metrics for task status/type", "METRIC_NAME": "Number of tasks", "RPT_TYPE": "null" }
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The request returns the drilldown report ID in the{ "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG": "SVR1.48P5G", "DIMENSION_NAME_1": "Task's Owner", "DIMENSION_NAME_2": "null", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME": "null", "RPT_NAME": "Task's Owner per Task Priority and Task Type", "RPT_DESC": "Number of tasks for each users for Task Priority/Task Type", "METRIC_NAME": "Number of Tasks", "RPT_TYPE": "High/AVOSBeMerge" }
POST http://localhost:8080/cmx/report/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/data/SVR1.48P5G [ { "DIMENSION_VALUE_1": "admin", "DIMENSION_VALUE_2": "null", "TIMEPERIOD_VALUE": "null", "METRIC_VALUE": "0", "DRILLDOWN_RPT_ID": "null" }, { "DIMENSION_VALUE_1": "srmgr2", "DIMENSION_VALUE_2": "null", "TIMEPERIOD_VALUE": "null", "METRIC_VALUE": "0", "DRILLDOWN_RPT_ID": "null" }, { "DIMENSION_VALUE_1": "mgr2", "DIMENSION_VALUE_2": "null", "TIMEPERIOD_VALUE": "null", "METRIC_VALUE": "0", "DRILLDOWN_RPT_ID": "null" } ]
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GET http://localhost:8080/cmx/report/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/data/SVR1.2X9N0
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GET http://localhost:8080/cmx/report/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/list?show=all
[ { "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG": "SVR1.2X9N0", "DIMENSION_NAME_1": "Task Priority", "METRIC_NAME": "Number of tasks", "DIMENSION_NAME_2": "Task Type", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME": "null", "RPT_NAME": "Task Priority/Type Report", "RPT_DESC": "Metrics for task status/type", "RPT_TYPE": "null" }, { "ROWID_RPT_CONFIG": "SVR1.48P5G", "DIMENSION_NAME_1": "Task's Owner", "DIMENSION_NAME_2": "null", "TIMEPERIOD_NAME": "null", "RPT_NAME": "Task's Owner per Task Priority and Task Type", "RPT_DESC": "Number of tasks for each users for Task Priority/Task Type", "METRIC_NAME": "Number of Tasks", "RPT_TYPE": "High/AVOSBeMerge" } ]
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