Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 2
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| Description
| Number of child levels to return. Specify 2 to return the root node and its direct children, and 3 to return the root node, direct children, and grandchildren. Default is 1.
| Date for which you want to retrieve the data.
| Indicates whether to return the system fields in the result. Default is false.
| State of the record. Provide a comma-separated list of states. The supported record states are ACTIVE, PENDING, and DELETED. Default is ACTIVE.
| Metadata of the record. Provide a comma-separated list. For example, XREF, PENDING_XREF, DELETED_XREF, HISTORY, XREF_HISTORY, and MATCH.
When you select MATCH, the response contains a list of matched records that are retrieved from the _MTCH table.
| Date for which you want to retrieve history data. The response contains record data for the specified date retrieved from the _HIST table.
You can use historyDate together with the contentMetadata parameter to retrieve historical metadata. Set contentMetadata to XREF, BVT, or TRUST.
| Comma-separated list of child node names or paths.
| Indicates whether the parent-child links are visible in the API response. Set the parameter to true to suppress all parent-child links in the response. Default is false.
For example, the
Person/1242?depth=10&suppressLinks=true query will display the record details up to 10 child levels, with no parent-child links visible in the response.
| Comma-separated list of field names with an optional prefix of
+ or
- . The prefix
+ indicates to sort the results in ascending order, and the prefix
- indicates to sort the results in descending order. Default is
+ . When you specify more than one parameter, the result set is ordered by the parameter that is first in the list, followed by the next.
For example, the
Person/1242/Names?order=-name query will display the result with the names in descending order.
Person/1242/BillAddresses?order=rowidObject,-effStartDate query will display the billing addresses with the rowid in ascending order and then, the effective start date in descending order. |
GET http://localhost:8080/cmx/cs/localhost-orcl-DS_UI1/Person/123/Phone/SFA:456/PhoneUse?recordsToReturn=100&recordStates=ACTIVE,PENDING&contentMetadata=XREF