Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started with the MDM Hub Console
  4. Consolidating Data
  5. Managing Data
  6. Using the Hierarchy Manager
  7. Glossary

Common Search Screen Elements

Common Search Screen Elements

This section describes common elements for all search screens.
The screen above is specific for a basic graphic view search, but has similar elements to all the screens.
Search screens contain the following common elements:
  • Reset buttons that clear all values in the fields.
  • Bookmark buttons to set a bookmark for the search criteria you selected.
  • Search fields to set search criteria.
  • Search, Select, and Cancel buttons.
  • Search Level list, where you choose to display either Basic, Advanced, or Indirect (Entities only) windows.
  • Data object type list, which contains the type of entities available, as defined by data managers in the Hierarchies tool.
  • Criteria type list (for Indirect search-level screen), which contains entity criteria available, as defined by data managers in the Hierarchies tool.
For more information on what determines screen content, see the Hierarchies tool section in the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide


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