Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Pre-Installation Tasks
  4. Hub Store Installation
  5. Hub Store Post-Installation Tasks
  6. Hub Server Installation
  7. Hub Server Post-Installation Tasks
  8. Process Server Installation
  9. Process Server Post-Installation Tasks
  10. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  11. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Business Entity Adapter
  12. Customize ActiveVOS
  13. Resource Kit Installation
  14. Troubleshooting the MDM Hub
  15. Uninstallation

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with WebLogic

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with WebLogic

Collect the Installation Values

Collect the Installation Values

Before you run the installer, collect the installation values. The installer will prompt you for information about your application server, database management system, and other components. The best practice is to print out these tables and add the values for your environment.

Application Server: Oracle WebLogic Server

Use the following table to collect the WebLogic Server details that are required for the installation:
Default value
Server 1 value
WebLogic Server Domain Installation Directory
The location of the WebLogic Server domain directory.
Host name or IP address of the machine on which WebLogic Server is installed.
Do not use localhost.
Listen Port
Port number on which WebLogic Server listens.
Server Name
Name of a server in the WebLogic domain on which you want to deploy the Process Server.
User Name
Name of a WebLogic Server user that has administrative privileges.
Password of the WebLogic Server administrative user.
In a clustered environment, add details for the other WebLogic instances to the following table:
Server instance 2 value
Server instance 3 value
Server instance 4 value
WebLogic Server Domain Installation Directory
Listen Port
Server Name
User Name

Informatica Address Verification

Informatica Address Verification was previously called AddressDoctor.
If you plan to install
Informatica Address Verification
, record the following properties:
Default values
Server instance 1 value
Configuration File
The location of the
Informatica Address Verification
configuration file
. You use the file for general configurations, such as reference address database, unlock code for Informatica Address Verification, and memory settings.
If you already installed
Address Verification
, use the location of your configuration file. Otherwise, use the default file location
<MDM Hub installation directory>\hub\cleanse\resources\AddressDoctor\5\SetConfig.xml
Parameters File
The location of the
Informatica Address Verification
parameters file
. You use the file to configure how Informatica Address Verification interprets, processes, and formats the addresses.
If you already installed
Address Verification
, use the location of your parameters file. Otherwise, use the default file location
<MDM Hub installation directory>\hub\cleanse\resources\AddressDoctor\5\Parameters.xml
Correction Type
The type of address processing that you want to perform.
Use one of the following correction types:
  • PARAMETERS_DEFAULT. Default correction type. Indicates the use of the correction type defined in the
  • PARSE_ONLY. Parses and assigns address elements to the appropriate fields.
  • CORRECT_ONLY. Validates addresses against the postal data and corrects the addresses.
  • CERTIFY_ONLY. Verifies addresses in accordance with the postal certifications to meet country-specific postal authority requirements.
  • CORRECT_THEN_CERTIFY. Validates addresses against the postal data and corrects the addresses. Then verifies addresses in accordance with postal certifications to meet country-specific postal authority requirements.
  • TRY_CERTIFY_THEN_CORRECT. Verifies addresses in accordance with postal certifications to meet country-specific postal authority requirements. If the address verifications fail, the process validates the addresses against the postal data and corrects the addresses.

Product Usage Toolkit

The product usage toolkit sends information about your MDM environment to Informatica. The information is used by Informatica Global Customer Support to help troubleshoot and provide recommendations for your environment. If you do not want the toolkit to send any information to Informatica, you can disable the toolkit after you install MDM.
Use the following table to collect the details that are required for installing the product usage toolkit:
Default value
Installation value
Type of industry that best matches your organization's business.
Type of environment that you are installing in.
If you install from the command line, enter one of the following numbers:
  • 1. Production environment
  • 2. Test or QA environment
  • 3. Development environment
Does your network have a proxy server?
If yes, provide details about the proxy server.
Name or IP address of the proxy server.
Port number used by the proxy server.
Domain Name
If your proxy server is part of a domain, the name of the domain.
User Name
If you use a secure proxy server, the name of a user that can access MDM.
Password of the user.


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