Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Services Integration Framework
  3. Setting Up the SIF SDK
  4. Request and Response Objects
  5. Transactions and Exception Handling
  6. ORS-Specific SIF API
  7. Asynchronous SIF Requests
  8. ORS-Specific JMS Event Messages
  9. Using Security Access Manager
  10. Using Dynamic Data Masking
  11. SIF API Reference
  12. Troubleshooting
  13. Appendix A: Identifiers
  14. Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions

Services Integration Framework Guide

Services Integration Framework Guide



Audit adds an entry to the C_REPOS_AUDIT table to record information about some activity involving a record stored in Informatica MDM Hub. You can log similar information about information in your own application programs.
Set the attributes of the new entry (for example, component, action, status, context). Then process the request to add the entry to the audit table. The process method returns an AuditResponse, which contains the rowid of the resulting audit record.
To use this facility, store the name of a project or similar large entity in component, and let action be an element of the component. For example, component might be “SIF API” and action might be AuditRequest.
You can set the audit rowid of the last previous related audit entry. In this way you can build a chain of audit entries. You obtain the rowid of an audit entry from the AuditResponse that comes back when you process an AuditRequest.
Use the status field to convey information useful for determining what to do with the audit record. For example, status values might be debug, info, warn, error, and fatal.
Use the contextXML and dataXML to add XML-formatted additional information to the audit entry.
You can not configure Audit API requests to audit requests made by external applications. For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Configuration Guide

Use Case

This is the common scenario for using the Audit request:
  • Adding auditing information to the log
    —You can use the audit request in an application to record auditing information in the log for reporting or compliance purposes.

Usage Example

// For example, if this is in a Servlet that receives an XML // to update multiple Hub packages. AuditRequest request = new AuditRequest(); request.setComponent("mycompany.customerServlet"); request.setAction("POST"); request.setStatus("info"); // from: the same system to be used in other SIF calls request.setFromSystem("CRM"); request.setToSystem("Admin"); // to: Siperian Hub // context: any metadata to help understand the entry request.setContext( dataId ); // example: pkeySource // context xml: complex metadata, for debug, may impact performance request.setContextXML("<metadata>" + "<url>" + httpServletRequest. getRequestURI() + "</url>" + "</metadata>"); // It may be helpful to identify the root package request.setSiperianObjectUid( SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid("CUSTOMER_UPDATE") ); // data xml: usually for debug only, may impact performance request.setDataXML( requestXmlAsString ); // If there was a related audit before this one: request.setRowidAuditPrevious(prevAuditResponse.getRowidAudit()); // If the rowid_object is known: request.setRowidObject(""); AuditResponse response = (AuditResponse) sipClient.process(request); // Now decompose the request data and call other SIF API's ...


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