Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Services Integration Framework
  3. Setting Up the SIF SDK
  4. Request and Response Objects
  5. Transactions and Exception Handling
  6. ORS-Specific SIF API
  7. Asynchronous SIF Requests
  8. ORS-Specific JMS Event Messages
  9. Using Security Access Manager
  10. Using Dynamic Data Masking
  11. SIF API Reference
  12. Troubleshooting
  13. Appendix A: Identifiers
  14. Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions

Services Integration Framework Guide

Services Integration Framework Guide



RemoveMatchedRecords removes matches associated with a base object record from the <
base object
>_MTCH table.
For example, if you decide records B and C do not match to record A, you can remove the following match pairs from <
base object
>_MTCH table:
  • A-B
  • A-C
  • B-A
  • C-A

Request Parameters

The RemoveMatchedRecords request contains the following parameters:
Specifies the type and name of the base object or package. Required.
Specifies the record key that does not match with the list of record keys. Required.
Contains the list of record keys. Required.

Response Fields

The RemoveMatchedRecords API returns the following fields:
Contains the interaction ID.
Contains a message regarding the status of the request.

Usage Example

The following code sample removes matches A-B, A-C, B-A, and C-A from C_PARTY_MTCH:
RemoveMatchedRecordsRequest request = new RemoveMatchedRecordsRequest(); request.setSiperianObjectUid(SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid("C_PARTY")); request.setRecordKey(RecordKey.sourceKey("A", "Acme")); ArrayList keys = new ArrayList(); keys.add(RecordKey.sourceKey("B", "Acme")); keys.add(RecordKey.sourceKey("C", "Acme")); request.setRecordKeyList(keys); RemoveMatchedRecordsResponse response = sipClient.process(request);


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