GDSN update to version 3.1.15

GDSN update to version 3.1.15

We updated our GDSN Accelerator to the current GDSN version 3.1.15. For exact dates when test and production pools are switched to this version, please see the roadmaps on either or There are several new fields, updated valid values lists, DQ rule configurations, and of course changes in the export templates. For an overview of all the changes, see GDSN Migration Guide for version 3.1.15 in the Accelerator documentation.
Please be aware that fields added additionally as part of the customer's project need to be evaluated on any impact and potentially modified as well.
Some fields are planned for deprecation. Please think about moving them according to the GDSN documentation.
  • ArticleHealthCare.HealthClaimCode
  • ArticleHealthCareLang.HealthClaimDescription


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