CLAIRETM recommendation services

recommendation services

Introducing the latest CLAIRE integration to Product 360. With the CLAIRE recommendation services accelerator, it is now possible to follow a machine learning approach to automatically classify product data into structure groups. The accelerator comes ready built and doesn't require complex manual tuning to get you started. All that's needed is to generate a model from within Product 360 that consists of existing product to structure group relationships. The model can then be used to auto suggest or directly classify new product records. The new "CLAIRE Recommendations" panel for Flex UIs is the perfect assistant of a business user to take fast decisions.
And besides that, the same model can be leveraged in batch via DQ rule configurations including flexible threshold parameters to control if a new record should be classified automatically by the system based on prediction accuracy. Further details on setup and usage can be found in the documentation shipped with the accelerator package of the release.


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