Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica MDM - Supplier 360
  3. Getting Started
  4. Adding Records
  5. Importing Bulk Data
  6. Working with Draft Records
  7. Finding Records
  8. Editing Records
  9. Reviewing a Supplier
  10. Reviewing Multiple Suppliers
  11. Managing Suppliers
  12. Communicating with Suppliers
  13. Investigating Relationships
  14. Creating Supplier Profiles on the Supplier Portal

Filtering Child Records

Filtering Child Records

In a Business Entity view, you can filter the child records based on field values. Filters are enabled when the number of records in a child record section exceeds four records. Even though the child records might be listed in multiple pages, the filters are applied to the entire set of child records.
When you navigate away from the Business Entity view, the filters are cleared. When you switch between the form and table views, the filters persist.
In the form view, when you filter by date, the records are filtered by date but not by time.
  1. Expand a child record section.
  2. Click the
    The filter fields appear.
  3. Enter the filter criteria, and press the
    The filters are applied, and the records that satisfy all the filter criteria are displayed.


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