Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Portal Configuration Tool
  3. Getting Started with the Supplier Portal
  4. Creating a Portal
  5. Adding Pages to Portal
  6. Managing a Portal
  7. Localizing a Portal

Portal Configuration Tool Guide

Portal Configuration Tool Guide

Configuring Properties of a Field with Checkbox List View

Configuring Properties of a Field with Checkbox List View

If you want to display a one-to-many field and its child fields as a list of checkboxes, configure the checkbox list view for the field. For example, if you want the portal user to select multiple product categories in a page that shows various product categories, use the checkbox list view.
  1. In a section, select the one-to-many field that you want to configure.
    panel for the field appears.
  2. Select
    Checkbox list
  3. Select a lookup field that contains the values you want to display as a list of check boxes.
  4. To display the field values in a hierarchical format, select a parent lookup field.
  5. Click
    The following image shows a sample of the checkbox list view on a portal:
    The checkbox list view displays fields as a list of checkboxes.


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