Informatica ActiveVOS
- Informatica ActiveVOS 9.2.6
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| Description
| Guides within a project can be restricted by role or group using a tab displayed in the
Settings dialog invoked from the Guide toolbar on the Home page. When this property is set to true, a Permissions tab appears within this dialog.
| Guides can redirect to another URL when they are done, and the redirect
onDone feature allows the hosting application to override the default redirect behavior with its own. The default behavior is to navigate the current window to the URL defined by the guide. When this feature is enabled, Guide Designer will no longer do the redirect; instead it will execute an
aesf-done window event, which your application can listen for and act upon.
The event data will be a string having the following format:
aesf-done | [reference: | url:] data
Examples are:
aesf-done|url:http://active-endpoints.comaesf-done| aesf-done|reference:50c7f76e-0f86-49d1-8e1d-ee9478f9b54d
The sample project contains an example that shows listening for window events in the
guideExplorer.js file in the
subscribeToAeSfDoneMessages function.
| If enabled, the user can choose more than one object as a "reference to". If set to true, service call steps and the data service may receive space-delimited object names as a
referenceTo value. Only set this to true if your host supports polymorphic relationships.
| If your host supports data access and modification requests at an elevated user, enable this feature. By default, all requests to service call steps and the data service include a
runAsUser element set to
$current . When this is enabled, the guide developer sees an option for setting the
runAsUser value to
$system , indicating that a guide can create or modify objects in the host that they may not normally have the permissions for.
| This feature affects End steps and determines the behaviors guide developers can set when a guide is done. If disabled, the only
on done behavior is the ability to go to a URL. However, if your host supports URLs for the object in the host and if this feature is enabled, guide developers can choose:
| An HTTP link for embedding the guide is displayed.