Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Overview, Downloading, and Installing
  3. Administration API
  4. Identity Service API
  5. Screenflow Programming and SDK
  6. ActiveVOS WSHT API
  7. Embedding Request Forms in Standalone Web Pages
  8. XML-JSON for Process Central

APIs, SDKs, and Services

APIs, SDKs, and Services

Creating a Search Service

Creating a Search Service

A few search services are provided with Process Designer. A search service can be implemented using a BPEL process.
A search service is defined in an XML file (typically
) indicating the service name, input and output parameters, and a few other details.
<searchService name="service:/avosObjectQuerySearchService"> <displayName>Object Query</displayName>    <description>Querying of objects is done by specifying zero or more    <expressions as a WHERE clause. The results of the query are displayed    <as a table or as a dropdown, depending on the number of display    <columns used.</description> <mode name="modes" /> <input> <parameter name="Where Clause" type="whereclause" required="false" description="A description for the search service." /> <parameter name="Domain" required="false" type="string" description="QC Domain"/> </parameter> </input> <searchOutput type="reference"> <options> <option name="referenceTo"></option> </options> </searchOutput> </searchService>
Here are definitions of elements you can use:
  • mode element:
    Indicates when the search service should be invoked. If it is not specified, the search service is only used or invoked at runtime. However, if the search service can also be used at design time for populating input parameters in the editor or used when simulating or previewing the guide, add this element. Supported modes are
    , and
  • input section:
    Describes the parameters expected by the search service.
  • searchOutput section:
    Describes the data type for which the search service is applicable. This allows for showing a filtered list of search services at design time.
  • reference type:
    The search service should support the
    parameter. It could contain a list of columns for which search values are returned.


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