Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Welcome to Informatica Process Developer
  3. Using Guide Developer for the First Time
  4. Getting Started with Informatica Process Developer
  5. About Interfaces Service References and Local WSDL
  6. Planning Your BPEL Process
  7. Participants
  8. Implementing a BPMN Task or Event in BPEL
  9. Implementing a BPMN Gateway or Control Flow
  10. Using Variables
  11. Attachments
  12. Using Links
  13. Data Manipulation
  14. Compensation
  15. Correlation
  16. What is Correlation
  17. What is a Correlation Set
  18. Creating Message Properties and Property Aliases
  19. Adding a Correlation Set
  20. Deleting a Correlation Set
  21. Adding Correlations to an Activity
  22. Rules for Declaring and Using Correlation Sets
  23. Correlation Sets and Engine-Managed Correlation
  24. Event Handling
  25. Fault Handling
  26. Simulating and Debugging
  27. Deploying Your Processes
  28. BPEL Unit Testing
  29. Creating POJO and XQuery Custom Functions
  30. Custom Service Interactions
  31. Process Exception Management
  32. Creating Reports for Process Server and Central
  33. Business Event Processing
  34. Process Central Forms and Configuration
  35. Building a Process with a System Service
  36. Human Tasks
  37. BPEL Faults and Reports





Select this policy assertion as described in Adding Policy Assertions.
An encryption policy describes the parts of a SOAP message to encrypt, in compliance with the processing rules of the XML Encryption specification [XMLENC].
Each specified original element or element content in the message is removed and replaced by the resulting encrypted element.
  • Inbound
    encryption is for messages received for My Role services and for replies from invoked Partner Role services. It indicates that the My Role partner role accepts encryption and will de-encrypt messages received.
  • Outbound
    encryption is for replies from My Role services and messages sent to invoked Partner Role services.
Set the following parameters:
Encryption Parts Attributes
Optional keystore alias used to retrieve the key for encryption. The default is the alias specified in the crypto properties file.
Content Name
Message part or element to be encrypted
Content Namespace
Target namespace of the message part or element
<abp:EncryptionParts alias="keystore_alias"> <abp:Element namespace=" oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd" name="UsernameToken"/> </abp:EncryptionParts>
As a message consumer, Process Server service endpoints accept and consume messages that conform to options deemed allowable under WS-I guidelines. As a message producer, Process Server supports only the recommended algorithms, references and identifiers.
The following algorithms are used within the data encryption of SOAP messages. Additional algorithms will likely be added and supported in future releases, based on WS-I recommendations and customer demand.
The supported token types are as follows:
  • X.509 Token
    Direct Binary Reference (send and receive): Preferred method, used where possible.
    Issuer Serial (send and receive): Preferred external reference method if direct not possible.
    X509 Identifier (receive only)
    Subject Key Identifier (receive only)
    Embedded Token References (receive only)
  • Symmetric Data Encryption Algorithms: (send and receive) (receive only) (receive only)
  • Asymmetric Key Transport Algorithms: (send and receive) (receive only)
  • Signature Digest Algorithm: (send and receive)
  • Signature Algorithm: (send and receive)
  • Cannonical XML Transform Algorithm: (send and receive)

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