Add resources to deploy to the server. View the selected deployment descriptor files and other project resources to deploy. On the Catalog Resources page, view the list of selected and excluded resources to ensure your contribution contains all files to be managed as a unit. Upon export, deploy the file and save a script to redeploy the .bpr file.
As you develop a process, there are two kinds of resources you can add: dependent and non-dependent resources. Dependent resources include WSDL, schema, human task forms, XSL for doXSLTransform, and Java jars specified in the PDD. Dependent resources can be deployed in the same BPR contribution containing the process PDD or in a referenced project.
You may want to deploy XQuery modules in a separate BPR.
The resources you may want to deploy in a separate BPR include:
Central Configuration. Customize the Process Central client application. For details, see
What is Process Central?.
Binary and HTML files. For process request forms, you can export HTML, language files, images, and style sheets. For details, see
What is Process Central?.
Ensure that the server is running, and ensure that your resource file is in a Workspace project.
File > Export > Orchestration > Contribution- Business Process Archive File
If the resources are not directly imported into the process, you can skip the process deployment descriptor files (.pdd files) to include in the .bpr archive.
Select the export location and filename for the .bpr archive.
In the Deployment section, select Web Service as the Type.
On the Catalog Resources page, if needed, select
Select a Resource Type and Location. Select a resource from the Project Explorer.
For Other, add a URI. The URI can be any reference desired, preferably related to the resource type. For example, an XML resource URI should be the root namespace of the XML document.