Address Verification (Cloud)
- Address Verification (Cloud) 6.5.0
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| Property
| Description
| BarCode
| An 11-digit number that represents the delivery point for the record. It consists of the nine-digit ZIP+4 code and the two-digit Delivery Point Answer.
Carrier Route Answer
| CarrierRoute
| A four-character code assigned to a mail delivery or collection route within a 5-digit ZIP Code. The first character of the code is alphabetical and the last three are numeric:
Concatenation of DPV Footnotes*
| DPVFootnoteComplete
| All data values from the populated DPV Footnote fields in a single string.
Congressional District
| CongressionalDistrict
| A standard value that identifies a geographic area served by a member of the United States House of Representatives or Senate. If the address is an Army/Air Force (APO) address or a fleet post office (FPO) address, the field is blank. If there is only one member of congress within the state, the value is AL (At Large).
Default Flag
| DefaultFlag
| Indicates that the record matched to a high-rise, rural route, or street default record in the ZIP + 4 data. The flag has the value Y for a matching record.
Delivery Point Answer
| DeliveryPoint
| The final two digits of the house/box number, or if a High-rise record is matched, the secondary unit number that represents the delivery point information. The Delivery Point Answer contributes to the 11-digit delivery point barcode (DPBC).
Delivery Point Check Digit Answer
| DeliveryPointCheckDigit
| A number that you can add to the sum of the other digits in the delivery point barcode (DPBC) to yield a number that is a multiple of ten. For example:
ZIP+4 code = 123456789
Delivery Point Answer = 01
Sum of digits (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+0+1) = 46
Check digit = 4 (46+4 = 50)
DPV 3553 Confirmation*
| DPVConfirmation3553
| Indicates whether to add the address to the total number of addresses recorded in the ZIP + 4/DPV Confirmed column on form 3553:
DPV CMRA Indicator*
| Indicates the result of the call to the DPV CMRA (Commercial Mail Receiving Agent) hash table:
DPV Confirmation Indicator*
| DPVConfirmation
| Indicates the result of the call to the Delivery Point Validation (DPV) Confirmation hash table:
DPV Door Not Available*
| Identifies addresses that do not provide a door or entry point that the postal carrier can access. A Door Not Available (DNA) address might not provide a door for mail delivery, or the mailbox might reside behind a locked gate.
The DPV DNA indicator can contain the values of Y or N:
DPV False Positive Indicator*
| DPVFalsePositive
| Indicates the results of the call to the DPV False Positive hash table:
DPV Footnote 1*
DPV Footnote 2*
DPV Footnote 3*
| DPVFootnote1
| The footnote(s) returned for an address from DPV processing:
DPV No Secure Location*
| Identifies an address that does not provide a reliable mailbox or reception point for mail:
| Indicates that the address is a Post Office Box Street address (PBSA):
Address Verification also returns the footnote PB for a PBSA address.
DPV Throwback Indicator*
| DPVThrowBack
| Indicates a valid street address for which the USPS forwards mail to a Post Office Box:
DSF2 No Stats Indicator*
| DPVNoStatIndicator
| Indicates the results of the call to the DPV No-Stat table:
DSF2 No Stats Reason*
| DPVNoStatReason
| A single-digit code that identifies the reason why an address returned a Y in the
DSF2 No Stats Indicator
The code can have the following values:
DSF2 Vacant Indicator*
| DPVVacantIndicator
| Indicates the results of the call to the DPV Vacant table:
Early Warning System (EWS) Return Code*
| EWSReturnCode
| Indicates whether the address was found in the EWS data:
Y = Address was found in the EWS data, thus resulting in a ZIP + 4 No Match.
Blank = Address was not found in the EWS data.
eLOT Ascending/Descending
| ELOTFlag
| The Enhanced Line of Travel (eLOT) order in which delivery points are delivered within a given add-on code.
For example, if the code is A (Ascending) and the house numbers are 1, 3, and 5, the carrier delivers 1, 3, and 5, in that order (low to high). If the code is D (Descending), the carrier delivers first to 5, then 3, and then 1 (high to low).
eLOT Sequence Number
| ELOTSequence
| A number that indicates the order in which add-on codes are arranged within a given carrier route.
High-rise Default
| HighriseDefault
| A flag that indicates that the record is assigned to a default high-rise record.
High-rise Exact
| HighriseExact
| Identifies high-rise addresses that contain unit identifiers.
LACS Indicator*
| LACSIndicator
| Identifies an address that matched to a LACS address in the ZIP + 4 file. A LACS address is an address that was converted to the city-style address format so that emergency vehicles can more easily find the address location.
Return values:
LACSLink Indicator*
| LACSLinkIndicator
| An indicator returned when the LACSLink hash tables are queried:
LACSLink Return Code*
| LACSLinkReturnCode
| A return value from LACSLink processing:
Non-Delivery Days*
| A seven-character code that identifies the day or days of the week on which an address cannot receive mail. The code contains a seven-character string that represents the days of the week from Sunday through Saturday.
Address Verification returns the first letter of a weekday in the corresponding position in the code if the address does not receive mail on that day. Address Verification returns a dash symbol in the corresponding position otherwise.
P. O. Box Only
| PoBoxOnly
| Indicates if the address is located in a ZIP code that contains post office box addresses only.
Y = Address is in a PO Box only Delivery Zone.
Record Type Code
| RecordType
| An alphabetic value that identifies the type of data in the record. Record type codes include the following:
Residential Delivery Indicator *
| Indicates if the delivery point is residential:
Rural Route Default
| RuralRouteDefault
| A flag that indicates that the record is assigned to a default rural route record. This occurs when the input house number does not match to the primary numbers in the reference data and there is a corresponding rural route record with no primary numbers.
Rural Route Exact
| RuralRouteExact
| Indicates if the address matches a rural route address in the USPS address reference data set.
SuiteLink Return Code*
| SuiteLinkReturnCode
| A return value of SuiteLink Processing:
ZIPMove Return Code*
| ZIPMoveReturnCode
| A return value of ZIPMove processing: