Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Reverse Geocoding Coverage
  7. Appendix D: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Extended Result Status

Extended Result Status

You can use the ExtendedResultStatus property value to understand a result and to see whether more information is available in the reference data. Address Verification returns a discrete extended result status code for every address data element.
Address Verification returns the following extended result status values:
  • FromDBNotUsed
  • WrongFormatMoved
  • AlternativeExists
  • UncheckedParts
  • CertificationRule
  • DominantMatch
  • RangeInterpolation
  • LanguageNotAvailable
  • Deprecated
  • RangeGuess
  • RangeCovert


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