Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Cloud Operations
  3. Part 2: Parameter and Element Reference
  4. Appendix A: REST Call Example
  5. Appendix B: Geocode Countries
  6. Appendix C: Reverse Geocoding Coverage
  7. Appendix D: Certified Mode Values

Developer Guide

Developer Guide

Response Format

Response Format

The code below shows the response to a REST request for information about the transactions in an account. The request used the getTransactionDetails method.
{ "Login": "*****", "Password": "*****", "UseTransactions": "TEST", "Request": { "Parameters": { "Mode": "Interactive", "CountrySets": [ { "Process": { "VerificationLevel": { "PreferredVerificationLevel": "All", "MinimumVerificationLevel": "All" }, "AlternativeHandling": { "OutdatedAddresses": { "Match": "WithFaultTolerance", "GetNewAddress": false } }, "Geocode": { "SearchRadius": "50" }, "Enrichments": { "Geocoding": { "Rooftop": false, "ArrivalPoint": false, "StreetCenter": false, "PostalCodeCenter": false, "LocalityCenter": false }, "Global": false, "CountrySpecific": false, "CAMEO": false } }, "Input": { "SingleAddressLineDataType": "UndelimitedSingleLine", "SingleAddressLineDelimiter": "Comma" } "Result": { "DeliverAdditionalSuggestions": "No", "NumericRangeExpansion": { "RangesToExpand": "All", "RangeExpansionType": "Flexible" } }, "Standardizations": [ { "Default": { "PreferredLanguage": [], "PreferredScript": { "Script": "NativePrimary", "TransliterationType": "Default", "LimitLatinCharacters": "NoLimit" }, "FormatWithCountry": false, "CountryNameLanguage": "ENG", "CountryCodeType": "ISO3", "MaxItemLength": 255, "Casing": "PostalAdmin", "DescriptorLength": "Short", "AliasHandling": "PostalAdmin" "StandardizeInvalidAddresses": false } "ElementStandardizations": { "HouseNumber": { "Casing": "UseDefault" "DescriptorLength": "Short" "MaxItemCount": 6 "MaxItemLength": 255 "AliasHandling": "UseDefault" } } ], "OutputDetail": { "PreformattedData": { "SingleAddressLineDelimiter": "Semicolon", "StreetWithNumber": false, "NumberAndSubBuilding": false, "PostalFormattedAddressLines": true, "PostalDeliveryAddressLines": true, "PostalRecipientAddressLines": true, "PostalLocalityLines": true, "SingleAddressLine": false }, "SubItems": false, "ElementStatus": false, "OutputStatusForEmptyElements": false } } ], "CountryDetermination": { "DefaultCountries": [], "SearchInFields": [ "Country" ] } }, "IO": { "Inputs": [ { "AddressElements": { "Street": [ { "Value": "Röntgen strasse" } ], "HouseNumber": [ { "Value": "9" } ], "Country": "DEU", "Locality": [ { "Value": "Maxdorf" } ], "PostalCode": [ { "Value": "67113" } ], "AdministrativeDivision": [], "Building": [], "SubBuilding": [] }, "PreformattedData": { "PostalDeliveryAddressLines": [ "Potsdamer Platz 3" ] }, "OrganizationElements": { "Companies": [], "Department": [] }, "ContactElements": [ { "Name": {} } ] } ] } } }


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