Key Differences Between Fast Completion and Interactive Modes
Key Differences Between Fast Completion and Interactive Modes
The fast completion and interactive modes differ in the following aspects:
Fast completion mode uses the Fast Completion (FC) reference address databases.
Interactive mode uses the Batch and Interactive (BI) reference address databases.
Partial Input and Typeahead Support
Fast completion mode is optimized to work with truncated input data, and supports typeahead functionality. You receive suggestions as you enter an address. In the fast completion mode Informatica Address Verification returns quality results for partial address input. However, in the interactive mode, Address Verification requires almost complete address to validate.
Post Code Lookup
In the fast completion mode, you can search for address suggestions by entering minimum information such as post codes. For many countries, you can enter a post code and receive a list of addresses that belong to that post code. In the interactive mode, Address Verification requires almost complete address input to generate any suggestion.
Address Input Format
In the interactive mode, you can enter fielded, partially-fielded, or unfielded addresses. In the fast completion mode, Address Verification supports only fielded addresses.
In the interactive mode, you can configure Address Verification to return enrichments such as country-specific enrichments or CAMEO codes. Address Verification does not support enrichments in the fast completion mode.