Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapplets
  4. Mapping Parameters
  5. Mapping Outputs
  6. Generate a Mapping from an SQL Query
  7. Dynamic Mappings
  8. How to Develop and Run a Dynamic Mapping
  9. Dynamic Mapping Use Cases
  10. Mapping Administration
  11. Export to PowerCenter
  12. Import From PowerCenter
  13. Performance Tuning
  14. Pushdown Optimization
  15. Partitioned Mappings
  16. Developer Tool Naming Conventions

Developer Mapping Guide

Developer Mapping Guide

Reject Files

Reject Files

During a mapping run, the Data Integration Service creates a reject file for each target instance in the mapping. If the Data Integration Service cannot write a row to the target, then the Data Integration Service writes the rejected row to the reject file. The reject file and mapping log contain information that helps you determine the cause of the rejection.
If the reject file does not contain any rejected rows, the Data Integration Service deletes the reject file at the end of the mapping run.
Each time you run a mapping, the Data Integration Service appends rejected data to the reject file. Depending on the source of the problem, you can correct the mapping and target database to prevent rejects in subsequent mappings.


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