After you upgrade the domain, application services, and client files, perform the following post-upgrade tasks:
Perform the following tasks for the domain:
If you used your SSL certificate files to enable secure communication in the previous domain, verify the keystore and truststore file locations. The upgrade process does not update these locations.
You can optionally configure the domain configuration repository on a database that is secured with the SSL protocol.
Create the Metadata Access Service to access Hadoop connection information to import and preview metadata from the Hadoop environment.
Perform the following tasks for each Data Integration Service:
Reset the HTTP proxy server password.
If the Data Integration Service runs Web Service Consumer transformations and is configured to use an HTTP proxy server with authentication, reset the HTTP proxy server password.
If the Data Integration Service runs on multiple nodes and you configured the execution options differently for each service process, verify that the Execution Options on the Properties view use the correct values.
If you work with rule specifications in the Analyst tool or the Developer tool, verify the Maximum Heap Size value.
Verify that the Maximum Memory Per Request property uses the correct value for each Data Integration Service module.
Perform the following tasks for each Analyst Service:
If you use Business Glossary approval workflow in a domain with Kerberos authentication, enter the user name and password for the Model Repository Service.
Verify the location of the flat file cache directory. The upgrade process does not update this location.
Verify or configure the location of the temporary export file directory for Business Glossary files. The upgrade process does not update this location.
Verify or configure the location of the asset attachment directory for Business Glossary files. The upgrade process does not update this location.
If you will run workflows that contain Human tasks, optionally specify an exception management audit database and schema.
Recycle the Analyst Service.
Before you recycle the Analyst Service, complete the upgrade and post-upgrade steps for the Model Repository Service, Data Integration Service, and Content Management Service.
Perform the following tasks for profiles and scorecards:
Import data domain groups and related data domains to the data domain glossary. If you want to add predefined data domain groups and their related data domains to the data domain glossary, import the
Run infacmd ps restoreProfilesAndScorecards command to restore the profiles and scorecards from a previous version to the current version.
Run the scorecards to view the statistics in the Cumulative Metrics Trend pane for the scorecards that you had created.
Upgrade all your Microsoft SQL Server connections to use the ODBC provider type.
Upgrade the Informatica Drivers for SQL Data Service.
Upgrade the Informatica Cassandra ODBC Data Sources.
Copy the Data Transformation files from the previous installation directories to the new installation directories, to get the same workspace, repository, and custom global components as in the previous version.
Read the
Informatica Release Guide
to view the list of new functionality that you might want to implement or new options that you might want to enable.