If the domain configuration repository database type or version is no longer supported, you must migrate the repository to a different database. Migrate the repository in the previous Informatica instance before you upgrade the domain. To validate migrating to a different database, run I10PI available from the Informatica installation.
For example, if the domain configuration repository is in a Sybase ASE 15.0.3 database, migrate the repository to a Sybase ASE 15.7 database.
Verify that you have backed up the domain configuration database tables to a file with the infasetup BackupDomain command.
Create a database schema and a user account in a supported database.
Restore the domain configuration in the backup file to the specified database schema with the infasetup RestoreDomain command.
When you upgrade a gateway node, select the
Allow changes to the node host name and port number
option. When you select this option, you can configure the gateway node to connect to the new domain configuration repository database. All gateway nodes must have a connection to the domain configuration repository to retrieve and update domain configuration. When you upgrade a worker node, clear the
Allow changes to the node host name and port number