Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Data Engineering Integration
  3. Mappings
  4. Mapping Optimization
  5. Sources
  6. Targets
  7. Transformations
  8. Python Transformation
  9. Data Preview
  10. Cluster Workflows
  11. Profiles
  12. Monitoring
  13. Hierarchical Data Processing
  14. Hierarchical Data Processing Configuration
  15. Hierarchical Data Processing with Schema Changes
  16. Intelligent Structure Models
  17. Blockchain
  18. Stateful Computing
  19. Appendix A: Connections Reference
  20. Appendix B: Data Type Reference
  21. Appendix C: Function Reference

Blockchain Data Object Overview Properties

Blockchain Data Object Overview Properties

Overview properties are general properties for the blockchain data object.
The properties are populated according to the REST API. If you change a property value in the Developer tool, make the same changes on the blockchain if necessary.

General Properties

The following table describes the general properties for the blockchain data object:
Name of the blockchain data object.
Description of the blockchain data object.
Name of the blockchain connection.

Objects Properties

The following table describes the properties for each transaction:
Name of the transaction in the Informatica environment.
Description of the transaction.
Native Name
Native name of the transaction on the blockchain.
Path Information
Path of the transaction on the REST web service.

Columns Properties

The following table describes the properties for the columns in an asset that a transaction operates on:
Name of the column.
Native Name
Native name of the column on the blockchain.
If you change the native name in the Developer tool, you must also change the name of the column on the blockchain.
Data type of the column.
Maximum number of significant digits for numeric data types, or the maximum number of characters for string data types.
You can edit the precision based on your requirements. If the data exceeds the precision, the data is truncated.
Scale of the data type.
Advanced Properties
Advanced properties that are set according to the REST API.
The advanced property
is set for columns that are required.
Access Type
Access type for the column.
The Read access type indicates that you can use the column only as a source.
The Read and Write access type indicates that you can use the column as both a source and a target. For example, you must have read and write access to the column that you reference in a lookup condition.
The Write access type indicates that you can use the column only as a target.
Description of the column.
If the REST API restricts column values, the description lists the values that are valid.

Advanced Properties

The advanced properties have the precedence level,
Operation level
Object level
Connection level
. The properties configured at the operation level will override the properties configured at the object or connection level. The following table describes advanced properties for each transaction:
Request Type
HTTP method, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE.
Producer Content Type
Content type of the request that is sent to the web service.
The content type must be application/json.
Consumer Content Type
Content type of the response that the web service returns.
The content type must be application/json.
Object Location
A location to access an asset on the blockchain.
Base URL
The base URL to access assets on the blockchain. The base URL must match the beginning of the object location.

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