Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Informatica Data Engineering Integration
  3. Mappings
  4. Mapping Optimization
  5. Sources
  6. Targets
  7. Transformations
  8. Python Transformation
  9. Data Preview
  10. Cluster Workflows
  11. Profiles
  12. Monitoring
  13. Hierarchical Data Processing
  14. Hierarchical Data Processing Configuration
  15. Hierarchical Data Processing with Schema Changes
  16. Intelligent Structure Models
  17. Blockchain
  18. Stateful Computing
  19. Appendix A: Connections Reference
  20. Appendix B: Data Type Reference
  21. Appendix C: Function Reference



Can I drill down on profile results if I run a profile in the Hadoop environment?
Yes, except for profiles in which you have set the option to drill down on staged data.
I get the following error message when I run a profile in the Hadoop environment: “[LDTM_1055] The Integration Service failed to generate a Hive workflow for mapping [Profile_CUSTOMER_INFO12_14258652520457390]." How do I resolve this?
This error can result from a data source, rule transformation, or run-time environment that is not supported in the Hadoop environment. For more information about objects that are not valid in the Hadoop environment, see the Mappings in a Hadoop Environment chapter.
You can change the data source, rule, or run-time environment and run the profile again. View the profile log file for more information on the error.
I see "N/A" in the profile results for all columns after I run a profile. How do I resolve this?
Verify that the profiling results are in the profiling warehouse. If you do not see the profile results, verify that the database path is accurate in the Cluster Environment Variables property of the Hadoop connection. You can also verify the database path from the Hadoop job tracker on the Monitoring tab of the Administrator tool.
After I run a profile on a Hive source, I do not see the results. When I verify the Hadoop job tracker, I see the following error when I open the profile job: "XML Parsing Error: no element found." What does this mean?
The Hive data source does not have any record and is empty. The data source must have a minimum of one row of data for successful profile run.
After I run a profile on a Hive source, I cannot view some of the column patterns. Why?
When you import a Hive source, the Developer tool sets the precision for string columns to 4000. The Developer tool cannot derive the pattern for a string column with a precision greater than 255. To resolve this issue, set the precision of these string columns in the data source to 255 and run the profile again.
When I run a profile on large Hadoop sources, the profile job fails and I get an "execution failed" error. What can be the possible cause?
One of the causes can be a connection issue. Perform the following steps to identify and resolve the connection issue:
  1. Open the Hadoop job tracker.
  2. Identify the profile job and open it to view the MapReduce jobs.
  3. Click the hyperlink for the failed job to view the error message. If the error message contains the text " Connection refused", the problem occured because of an issue with the Hadoop cluster. Contact your network administrator to resolve the issue.


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