Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Engineering Streaming
  3. Data Engineering Streaming Administration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Transformation in Streaming Mappings
  8. Window Transformation
  9. Appendix A: Connections
  10. Appendix B: Monitoring REST API Reference
  11. Appendix C: Sample Files

Cassandra Connection Properties

Cassandra Connection Properties

When you set up a Cassandra connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The order of the connection properties might vary depending on the tool where you view them.
The following table describes the Cassandra connection properties:
The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
String that the Data Integration Service uses to identify the connection.
The ID is not case sensitive. The ID must be 255 characters or less and must be unique in the domain. You cannot change this property after you create the connection.
Default value is the connection name.
Optional. The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
The domain where you want to create the connection.
Not applicable for Data Engineering Streaming.
The connection type.
Host Name
Host name or IP address of the Cassandra server.
Cassandra server port number.
Default is 9042.
User Name
User name to access the Cassandra server.
Password corresponding to the user name to access the Cassandra server.
Default Keyspace
Name of the Cassandra keyspace to use by default.
SQL Identifier Character
Type of character that the database uses to enclose delimited identifiers in SQL or CQL queries. The available characters depend on the database type.
if the database uses regular identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates SQL or CQL queries, the service does not place delimited characters around any identifiers.
Select a character if the database uses delimited identifiers. When the Data Integration Service generates SQL or CQL queries, the service encloses delimited identifiers within this character.
SSL Mode
Not applicable for PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC.
SSL mode indicates the encryption type to use for the connection. You can choose a mode from the following SSL modes:
  • Disabled
  • One way
  • Two way
SSL Truststore Path
Not applicable for PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC or when
SSL mode is selected.
Absolute path and file name of the SSL truststore file that contains certificates of the trusted SSL server.
SSL Truststore Password
Not applicable for PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC or when
SSL mode is selected.
Password for the SSL truststore.
SSL Keystore Path
Not applicable for PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC or when
SSL mode is selected.
Absolute path and file name of the SSL keystore file that contains private keys and certificates for the SSL server.
SSL Keystore Password
Not applicable for PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC or when
SSL mode is selected.
Password for the SSL keystore.
Additional Connection Properties
Enter one or more JDBC connection parameters in the following format:
PowerExchange for Cassandra JDBC supports the following JDBC connection parameters:
  • BinaryColumnLength
  • DecimalColumnScale
  • EnableCaseSensitive
  • EnableNullInsert
  • EnablePaging
  • RowsPerPage
  • StringColumnLength
  • VTTableNameSeparator

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