| Description
Subscription Starting Pattern
| The starting pattern of the subscription name from which the Google PubSub source starts reading messages from a topic when you run a mapping.
By default, the subscription name is prefixed with
Infa_<GUID> .
Acknowledgment Deadline
| Amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an acknowledgement for a message that was received by a subscriber, before Google PubSub can retry delivering the same message.
Recommended: 150 seconds
Message Retention Duration
| Amount of time, in days, to retain unacknowledged messages in the subscription's backlog from the time a message is published.
A message that cannot be delivered within the maximum retention time is deleted and is no longer accessible.
Default is 7 days.
Subscription Expiration
| Time in days after which the subscriptions without any subscriber activity expires. If Google PubSub detects subscriber activity, the subscription deletion clock restarts.
Specify 0 for no expiry.
Max Message Count
| The maximum number of messages to return for each subscriber request.
Google PubSub might return less messages than the specified number of messages.
Recommended: 1000 messages
Max Message Size
| Maximum incoming message size for each subscriber request, in byte.
Executor Thread Count
| Specify the executor thread count for each subscriber request.
Default is 4.
Return Immediately
| If there are no messages, return immediately for each read request.