Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Engineering Streaming
  3. Data Engineering Streaming Administration
  4. Sources in a Streaming Mapping
  5. Targets in a Streaming Mapping
  6. Streaming Mappings
  7. Transformation in Streaming Mappings
  8. Window Transformation
  9. Appendix A: Connections
  10. Appendix B: Monitoring REST API Reference
  11. Appendix C: Sample Files

Advanced Properties

Advanced Properties

The Developer tool displays the advanced properties for Kafka sources in the Output transformation in the Read view.
The following table describes the advanced properties that you can configure for Kafka sources:
Operation Type
Specifies the type of data object operation.
This is a read-only property.
Guaranteed Processing
Ensures that the mapping processes messages that the sources publish and delivers them to the targets at least once. In the event of a failure, there could be potential duplicates but the messages are processed successfully. If the external source or the target is not available, the mapping execution stops to avoid any data loss.
By default, the Guaranteed Processing property is selected.
Start Position Offset
The time from which the Kafka source starts reading messages from a Kafka topic when you run a mapping.
You can select one of the following options:
  • Custom. Read messages from a specific time.
  • Earliest. Read the earliest messages available on the Kafka topic.
  • Latest. Read messages received by the Kafka topic after the mapping has been deployed.
Custom Start Position Timestamp
The time in GMT from which the Kafka source starts reading Kafka messages from a Kafka topic.
Specify a time in the following format:
dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS
The milliseconds are optional.
Consumer Configuration Properties
The configuration properties for the consumer. If the Kafka data object is reading data from a Kafka cluster that is configured for Kerberos authentication, include the following property:
Dynamic Schema Strategy
The dynamic schema strategy that identifies the schema at run-time for ingesting streaming data into files or tables in a mapping.
Only Avro schema is supported. You must disable the column projection.
You can select one of the following strategies:
  • None
  • External Location: If you select this, then you can use only Filter, Router, Expression, Java, and Python transformations. Also, the data from ByteArraySerializer is supported.
Restart the mapping if you want to refresh the schema. Refresh schema is only supported if
Dynamic Schema Strategy
is not selected.
Schema Location
The schema location to fetch the schema in a streaming mapping.
If you select
External Location
for the dynamic schema strategy, you must create a
file having the schema content at the schema location and keep it under the topic name. For example:
<Schema Location>/<Topic Name>/reader.avsc
. Then, specify only the path till the schema location.
Schema location must be named as per the topic name.

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