B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.5.3
- All Products
| Description
| Related partner for the violation.
| Related account for the violation.
| Type of information that the rule uses, such as the number of events or the error rate percentage.
SLA Rule
| Name of the rule.
Event Type
| Type of the event.
| Actual value for the violation. For example, if you define a rule that event processing must not exceed 30 seconds and the actual processing time is 45 seconds, the Value column shows the total processing time as 45 seconds and the difference from the maximum processing time as 15 seconds.
For SLA rules that you view at the end of the calculation level period, the column shows the total value for the violation. For example, if you define a rule that the number of errors in a day must not exceed 50 errors and the total number of errors for the day is 65, the Value column shows the total number of errors for all events that occurred during the time frame.
| Date and time that the violation was reported.
Last Modified
| Date and time that the violation was modified. The value of this property reflects the latest reported violation for that rule or KPI for the calculation level period.