B2B Data Exchange
- B2B Data Exchange 10.5.3
- All Products
| Description
| Name of the MFT Connection.
| Provide a description for the MFT Connection.
Server Type
| Indicates if the mail box server type is O365, POP-3, or IMAP. If this field is left blank, then the default server type of POP-3 will be used.
| The host name or IP address of the server.
| The user name to use for connecting to the mailbox server.
| The password to use for connecting to the mailbox server.
Is Password Encrypted
| Indicates whether or not the password is encrypted. You should choose Yes if you clicked the Encrypt button for the Password.
| Description
| The port number to use for connecting to the server. If left blank, the default port number is 25.
Connection Type
| The connection type to use when communicating with the SMTP Server. The following options are available:
Client ID
| The unique identification ID assigned to an application which establishes an identity with the Office 365 applications.
Client Secret
| The secret key is used to exchange the authorization code to access the token. Include the Client Secret if the application is confidential.
Is Client Secret Encrypted
| Indicates whether or not the client secret is encrypted. You should choose Yes if you clicked the Encrypt button for the Client Secret.
| The number of seconds to wait when attempting to connect to the mail box server. A timeout error will occur if the connection cannot be established in the specified amount of time. If this field is left blank, the default timeout value of 300 seconds will be used.