Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Transformation
  3. Data Processor Transformation
  4. Wizard Input and Output Formats
  5. Relational Input and Output
  6. Using the IntelliScript Editor
  7. XMap
  8. Libraries
  9. Schema Object
  10. Command Line Interface
  11. Scripts
  12. Parsers
  13. Script Ports
  14. Document Processors
  15. Formats
  16. Data Holders
  17. Anchors
  18. Transformers
  19. Actions
  20. Serializers
  21. Mappers
  22. Locators, Keys, and Indexing
  23. Streamers
  24. Validators, Notifications, and Failure Handling
  25. Validation Rules
  26. Custom Script Components

User Guide

User Guide

Schema Updates

Schema Updates

You can update a schema object when elements, attributes, types, or other schema components change. When you update a schema object, the Developer tool updates objects that use the schema.
You can update a schema object through the following methods:
Synchronize the schema.
Synchronize a schema object when you update the schema files outside the Developer tool. When you synchronize a schema object, the Developer tool reimports all of the schema .xsd files that contain changes.
Edit a schema file.
Edit a schema file when you want to update a file from within the Developer tool. When you edit a schema file, the Developer tool opens the file in the editor you use for .xsd files. You can open the file in a different editor or set a default editor for .xsd files in the Developer tool.
You can use a schema to define element types in a web service. When you update a schema that is included in the WSDL of a web service, the Developer tool updates the web service and marks the web service as changed when you open it. When the Developer tool compares the new schema with the old schema, it identifies schema components through the name attributes.
If no name attribute changes, the Developer tool updates the web service with the schema changes. For example, you edit a schema file from within the Developer tool and change the maxOccurs attribute for element "Item" from 10 to unbounded. When you save the file, the Developer tool updates the maxOccurs attribute in any web service that references the Item element.
If a name attribute changes, the Developer tool marks the web service as changed when you open it. For example, you edit a schema outside the Developer tool and change the name of a complex element type from "Order" to "CustOrder." You then synchronize the schema. When you open a web service that references the element, the Developer tool marks the web service name in the editor with an asterisk to indicate that the web service contains changes. The Developer tool adds the CustOrder element type to the web service, but it does not remove the Order element type. Because the Developer tool can no longer determine the type for the Order element, it changes the element type to xs:string.


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