Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Data Transformation
  3. Data Processor Transformation
  4. Wizard Input and Output Formats
  5. Relational Input and Output
  6. Using the IntelliScript Editor
  7. XMap
  8. Libraries
  9. Schema Object
  10. Command Line Interface
  11. Scripts
  12. Parsers
  13. Script Ports
  14. Document Processors
  15. Formats
  16. Data Holders
  17. Anchors
  18. Transformers
  19. Actions
  20. Serializers
  21. Mappers
  22. Locators, Keys, and Indexing
  23. Streamers
  24. Validators, Notifications, and Failure Handling
  25. Validation Rules
  26. Custom Script Components

User Guide

User Guide

Configure a Transformation with Parquet Output

Configure a Transformation with Parquet Output

To create a Data Processor transformation for Parquet output, use the Data Processor transformation wizard. The wizard creates the transformation in the Model repository with the components you need to transform Parquet output. Use the XMap editor to edit the XMap, if included. Add the transformation to a mapping with a complex file writer.
  1. Create the Data Processor transformation with the New Transformation wizard. Add a Parquet schema or example file that defines the expect output structure.
  2. If the transformation has XML, JSON, or another structured format as input, use the XMap editor to edit and customize the XMap that the wizard created in the transformation.
  3. To configure the output settings for the Data Processor transformation, in the
    Output Control
    panel of the
    view, select the relevant output option in the
    Binary output port collection mode
    To configure the output to send one record at a time with the schema, select the
    Output row for each row
    option. To collect all the records with the schema into one output stream, select the
    Collect input rows to a single output
  4. Add the Data Processor transformation to a mapping. The transformation remains set to binary output, the default setting for Parquet output.
  5. Create and link a complex file writer to the Data Processor transformation in the mapping to receive the Parquet output from the transformation.
    The input setting remains set to binary, the default setting. The complex file writer does not support compression for Parquet output.
  6. Configure the Complex File Writer. In the Data Object Operation, in the
    tab, for the
    File Format
    , select
    Custom Output
    . For
    Output Format
    , enter


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