Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to High Availability
  3. Set Up the High Availability Environment
  4. Configure JMS Discovery
  5. Configure RMI Connections
  6. Configure the Operation Console
  7. Configure an HTTP Load Balancer
  8. Configure the Dashboard and Reports
  9. Troubleshooting High Availability
  10. High Availability Log Messages
  11. Port Number Reference
  12. Glossary

High Availability Guide

High Availability Guide

Configuring Unicast JMS Discovery

Configuring Unicast JMS Discovery

Modify properties in different cluster components to enable unicast JMS discovery in the high availability cluster.
Make sure you configure the same JMS discovery mode in every file. You cannot configure some properties for unicast mode and other properties for multicast mode.
  1. In all copies of the
    Data Integration Hub
    server configuration files, add the following properties and replace the syntax example with the actual values:
    • dx.AMQ.discovery=b2bDxAMQBrokerStatic
    • dx.AMQ.static.discovery.address=static:(tcp://<host1Name>:<OperationConsoleJMSPort>,tcp://<host1Name>:<
      ServerJMSPort>, tcp://<host2Name>:<OperationConsoleJMSPort>,<host2Name>:<
    For example:
    dx.AMQ.static.discovery.address=static:(tcp://host1:18100,tcp://host1:18050, tcp://host2:18100,tcp://host2:18050)
  2. Add comment indicators to the following properties that are relevant only for multicast mode:
    • dx.jms.multicastAddress


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