Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to High Availability
  3. Set Up the High Availability Environment
  4. Configure JMS Discovery
  5. Configure RMI Connections
  6. Configure the Operation Console
  7. Configure an HTTP Load Balancer
  8. Configure the Dashboard and Reports
  9. Troubleshooting High Availability
  10. High Availability Log Messages
  11. Port Number Reference
  12. Glossary

High Availability Guide

High Availability Guide

Configure the Document Store

Configure the Document Store

Install the document store on a shared network drive so that it is accessible by all the
Data Integration Hub
Server instances.
Informatica domain nodes that run workflows need to use the same file references to access the shared file system. All
Data Integration Hub
and Informatica domain nodes require access to the same file server and all nodes must use the same path to the file server. For example, the path
must point to the same file from all nodes.
If you upgrade a single instance of
Data Integration Hub
Server to a cluster environment and the document store is not accessible by all the nodes in the cluster, you must move the document store to a shared location.
In the repoutil command line utility, run the moveDocumentStore command with the following syntax in a single line:
repoutil –c moveDocumentStore -t
–l <
Data Integration Hub
repository jdbc URL> -u <user name> -p <password> --docStore <new document store location>
The following example shows a repoutil script for moving the document store in a node that uses a UNIX operating system:
./ -c moveDocumentStore -t
-l "jdbc:informatica:oracle://xsvcshacl03:1521;ServiceName=drep02_taf" -u
admin -p mypassword --docStore="/u02/app/infa_shared/
For more information about the repository utility, see the
Data Integration Hub
Administrator Guide
Do not move the document store manually. If you manually move the document store,
Data Integration Hub
will not reference document attachments for events correctly.


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