| Description
| Name for the resource. The resource appears in the
Resources panel with this name. The name must be unique and have from one through 256 characters. It cannot include the following characters:
/ \ : * ' ? " < > | [ ]
If you create a resource from a resource file, you must use the following naming convention for the resource name:
<Model repository Service name>_<project name>
| Description for the resource. Description cannot exceed 4000 characters.
Hide in Summary Lineage
| Hides the resource in the summary view of data lineage diagrams.
Enable this option to hide the resource and its child objects in the summary view. Disable this option to display the resource and its child objects in the summary view.
Default is disabled.
Option | Description |
Informatica Platform 10.4.1 (Repository)
| Create the resource from a version 10.4.1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.4.0 (Repository)
| Create the resource from a version 10.4.0 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2.2 HotFix1 (Repository)
| Create the resource from a version 10.2.2 HotFix1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2.2 (Repository)
| Create the resource from a version 10.2.2 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2.1 (Repository)
| Create the resource from a version 10.2.1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2.0 HotFix2 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.2 HotFix 2 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2.0 HotFix1 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.2 HotFix 1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.2 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.2 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.1.1 HotFix1 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.1.1 HotFix 1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.1.1 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.1.1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.1 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.1 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 10.0 (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 10.0 application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 9.5.1 - 9.6.x (Repository) | Create the resource from a version 9.5.1 - 9.6.x application that is deployed to a Data Integration Service. |
Informatica Platform 9.5.1 - 9.6.x (Archive File) | Create the resource from a version 9.5.1 - 9.6.x application archive file. |
Informatica Platform 9.5.1 - 10.x (Resource File) | Create the resource from a version 9.5.1 - 10.x resource file that you exported from the Developer tool. |