Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Using Metadata Manager
  3. Configuring Metadata Manager
  4. Application Resources
  5. Business Glossary Resources
  6. Business Intelligence Resources
  7. Custom Resources
  8. Data Integration Resources
  9. Data Modeling Resources
  10. Database Management Resources
  11. Universal Resources
  12. Managing Resources
  13. Loading and Monitoring Resources
  14. Managing Permissions
  15. Resource Migration
  16. Repository Migration
  17. Appendix A: Metadata Manager Login
  18. Appendix B: Metadata Manager Properties Files
  19. Appendix C: Resource Configuration Files
  20. Appendix D: Glossary

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Metadata Manager Administrator Guide

Creating a Schedule

Creating a Schedule

Create a schedule to select the time and frequency in which a resource loads. You can use the built-in schedules or create your own.
Metadata Manager includes the following built-in schedules:
  • Daily schedule.
    Runs every day at midnight.
  • Weekly schedule.
    Runs every Sunday at midnight.
  • Monthly schedule.
    Runs on the first day of every month at midnight.
The following table describes the properties you configure when you create or edit a schedule:
Name of the schedule. The schedule name appears in the Available Schedules list after you save the schedule. The name must be unique. It cannot exceed 256 characters or include the following characters:
/ \ : * ' ? " < > | [ ]
Description of the schedule. Description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
Starts On
Date and time the schedule starts. You can enter the month, day, and year, or you can use the calendar to select a date.
Enter the time in the following format: HH:MM.
Time period the schedule repeats. You can select Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Never. Use Never to schedule a resource to load only once.
If you select a weekly schedule, you can select the day of the week on which the schedule repeats.
Repeats Every
Number of times the schedule repeats for the chosen time period. You can select the number of days, weeks, and months between repeats of the load. Required if you configure the schedule to repeat daily, monthly, or yearly.
Repeats On
Day on which a weekly schedule repeats. You can select multiple days. This option appears if you select a weekly schedule for the time frame in which the schedule repeats.
No End Date
Select this option if you want the schedule to repeat indefinitely.
Ends On
Date and time the schedule stops. You can enter the month, day, and year, or use the calendar to select a date.
Enter the time in the following format: HH:MM.
Required if you configure an end date for the schedule.
To create a schedule:
  1. On the Load tab, click
    Manage Schedules
    Manage Schedules
    window appears.
  2. Click
  3. Enter the properties for the schedule.
  4. Click
  5. To reset the configured properties, click
    The properties are reset to the previously saved version.
  6. Click
The schedule appears in the Available Schedules list.

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