If you create a universal resource to extract metadata from a source file, you need to decide whether to extract metadata from the latest source file or from the source file in the Metadata Manager application directory. You specify whether to use the latest source file when you create the resource.
Extract metadata from the latest source file when the source changes frequently. To extract metadata from the latest source file, enable the
Always use latest source files
option when you create the resource. When you enable this option, the Metadata Manager Agent uses the metadata source file in the location you provide each time you load the resource. If you enable this option, you must specify an absolute path to the file that is accessible from the Metadata Manager Agent machine.
Extract metadata from a source file in the Metadata Manager application directory when the source does not change frequently, and you want to decrease the time it takes to load the resource. To use a source file in the Metadata Manager application directory, disable the
Always use latest source files
option. Metadata Manager copies the metadata source file to the Metadata Manager application directory when you finish configuring the resource. Each time you load the resource, the Metadata Manager Agent extracts metadata from the file in the application directory.
The Metadata Manager application directory is the following directory:
<Informatica services installation directory>\services\MetadataManagerService\mm_files\<Metadata Manager Service name>\mm_load\data_files\<resource ID>
If you use a source file in the Metadata Manager application directory and the metadata source changes, you might need to upload the file again. To re-upload the file, edit the resource and select a new metadata source file on the