Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Reports Overview
Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools Reports Overview
You can use the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) reporting engine available in Data Validation Option to generate reports.
You can generate a report for one or more table pairs or single tables.
You can generate the following BIRT reports in Data Validation Option:
Summary of Testing Activities
The Summary of Testing Activities report displays the number of passed tests, number of failed tests, number of tests with errors, and total number of tests for all table pairs and single tables. It also shows the number of table pairs and single tables with passed tests, failed tests, and errors. If a table contains some failed tests and some passed tests, the table count is included in the Fail row only.
Table Pair Summary
The Table Pair Summary report lists each table pair or single table with the associated tests. Data Validation Option displays each table pair or single table on a separate page. The report includes a brief description of each test and result.
Detailed Test Results
The Detailed Test Results report displays each test on a separate page with a detailed description of the test definition and results. The report displays the following details:
Properties of the single-table constraint or table pair.
View definition, if one of the test sources is an SQL or lookup view.
Bad records. For each bad record, the report shows the corresponding key and the bad value. You can choose to view details of bad records.
Corresponding PowerCenter mapping, session, and workflow.
Report generation can take several minutes, especially when the report you generate contains hundreds of tests or test runs.