Table of Contents


  1. About the Security Guide
  2. Introduction to Informatica Security
  3. User Authentication
  4. LDAP Authentication
  5. Kerberos Authentication
  6. SAML Authentication for Informatica Web Applications
  7. Domain Security
  8. Security Management in Informatica Administrator
  9. Users and Groups
  10. Privileges and Roles
  11. Permissions
  12. Audit Reports
  13. Command Line Privileges and Permissions
  14. Custom Roles
  15. Default List of Cipher Suites

Security Guide

Security Guide

Cipher Suites for the Informatica Domain

Cipher Suites for the Informatica Domain

You can configure the cipher suites that the Informatica domain uses when it encrypts connections within the Informatica domain. Connections from the Informatica domain to resources outside of the domain are not affected by the cipher suite configuration.
When you enable secure communication for the Informatica domain or secure connections to web application services, the Informatica domain uses cipher suites to encrypt traffic.
Informatica creates the effective list of cipher suites that it uses based on the following lists:
List of cipher suites that you want the Informatica domain to block. When you blacklist a cipher suite, the Informatica domain removes the cipher suite from the effective list. You can add cipher suites that are on the default list to the blacklist.
Default list
List of cipher suites that Informatica domain supports by default. If you do not configure a whitelist or blacklist, the Informatica domain uses the default list as the effective list.
For more information, see Default List of Cipher Suites
List of cipher suites that you want the Informatica domain to support. When you add a cipher suite to the whitelist, the Informatica domain adds the cipher suite to the effective list. You do not need to add cipher suites that are on the default list to the whitelist.
Informatica creates the effective list by adding cipher suites from the whitelist to the default list and removing cipher suites on the blacklist from the default list.
Consider the following guidelines for effective lists:
  • To use a custom effective list for secure connections to web clients, the Informatica domain must use secure communication within the domain. If the domain does not use secure communication, Informatica uses the default list as the effective list.
  • The effective list only governs connections within the Informatica domain. Connections to data sources do not use the effective list.
  • The effective list must contain at least one cipher suite that TLS v1.1 or 1.2 supports.
  • The effective list must be a valid cipher suite for Windows, the Java Runtime Environment, and OpenSSL.


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