Table of Contents


  1. About the Security Guide
  2. Introduction to Informatica Security
  3. User Authentication
  4. LDAP Authentication
  5. Kerberos Authentication
  6. SAML Authentication for Informatica Web Applications
  7. Domain Security
  8. Security Management in Informatica Administrator
  9. Users and Groups
  10. Privileges and Roles
  11. Permissions
  12. Audit Reports
  13. Command Line Privileges and Permissions
  14. Custom Roles
  15. Default List of Cipher Suites

Security Guide

Security Guide

Domain Object Permissions

Domain Object Permissions

You configure privileges and permissions to manage user security within the domain. Permissions define the level of access a user has to a domain object. To log in to the Administrator tool, a user must have permission on at least one domain object. If a user has permission on an object, but does not have the domain privilege that grants the ability to modify the object type, then the user can only view the object.
For example, if a user has permission on a node, but does not have the Manage Nodes and Grids privilege, the user can view the node properties, but cannot configure, shut down, or remove the node.
You can configure permissions on the following types of domain objects:
Domain Object Type
Description of Permission
Enables Administrator tool users to access all objects in the domain. When users have permission on a domain, they inherit permission on all objects in the domain.
Enables Administrator tool users to access all objects in the folder in the Administrator tool. When users have permission on a folder, they inherit permission on all objects in the folder.
Enables Administrator tool users to view and edit the node properties. Without permission, a user cannot use the node when defining an application service or creating a grid.
Enables Administrator tool users to view and edit the grid properties. Without permission, a user cannot assign the grid to a Data Integration Service or PowerCenter Integration Service.
Enables Administrator tool users to view and edit the license properties. Without permission, a user cannot use the license when creating an application service.
Application Service
Enables Administrator tool users to view and edit the application service properties.
Operating System Profile
Enables Informatica developers, analysts, and operators associated with the operating system profile to run mappings, profiles, and workflows. Enables PowerCenter users to run workflows associated with the operating system profile. If the user that runs a workflow does not have permission on the operating system profile assigned to the workflow, the workflow fails.
You can use the following methods to manage domain object permissions:
  • Manage permissions by domain object. Use the Permissions view of a domain object to assign and edit permissions on the object for multiple users or groups.
  • Manage permissions by user or group. Use the Manage Permissions dialog box to assign and edit permissions on domain objects for a specific user or group.
You configure permissions on an operating system profile differently than you configure permissions on other domain objects.


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