Requirements for Secure Communication within the Domain
Requirements for Secure Communication within the Domain
Before you enable secure communication within the domain, ensure that the following requirements are met:
You created a certificate signing request (CSR) and private key.
You can use keytool or OpenSSL to create the CSR and private key.
If you use RSA encryption, you must use more than 512 bits.
You have a signed SSL certificate.
The certificate can be self-signed or CA signed. Informatica recommends a CA signed certificate.
You imported the certificate into keystores.
You must have a keystore in PEM format named
and a keystore in JKS format named
The keystore files must contain the root and intermediate SSL certificates.
The password for the keystore in JKS format must be the same as the private key pass phrase used to generate the SSL certificate.
You imported the certificate into truststores.
You must have a truststore in PEM format named
and a truststore in JKS format named
The truststore files must contain the root, intermediate, and end user SSL certificates.
The keystores and truststores are in the correct directory.
If you enable secure communication during installation, the keystore and truststore must be in a directory that is accessible to the installer.
If you enable secure communication after installation, the keystore and truststore must be in a directory that is accessible to the command line programs.