You can define property name and value pairs in the Custom transformation that the procedure can use when the Integration Service runs the procedure, such as during initialization time. You can create user-defined properties on the following tabs of the Custom transformation:
Metadata Extensions.
You can specify the property name, datatype, precision, and value. Use metadata extensions for passing information to the procedure.
Initialization Properties.
You can specify the property name and value.
While you can define properties on both tabs in the Custom transformation, the Metadata Extensions tab lets you provide more detail for the property. Use metadata extensions to pass properties to the procedure.
For example, you create a Custom transformation external procedure that sorts data after transforming it. You could create a boolean metadata extension named Sort_Ascending. When you use the Custom transformation in a mapping, you can choose True or False for the metadata extension, depending on how you want the procedure to sort the data.
When you define a property in the Custom transformation, use the get all property names functions, such as INFA_CTGetAllPropertyNamesM(), to access the names of all properties defined on the Initialization Properties and Metadata Extensions tab. Use the get external property functions, such as INFA_CT_getExternalPropertyM(), to access the property name and value of a property ID you specify.
When you define a metadata extension and an initialization property with the same name, the property functions only return information for the metadata extension.