The filter condition is an expression that returns TRUE or FALSE. Enter conditions using the Expression Editor available on the Properties tab.
Any expression that returns a single value can be used as a filter. For example, if you want to filter
rows for employees whose salary is less than $30,000, you enter the following condition:
SALARY > 30000
You can specify multiple components of the condition, using the AND and OR logical operators. If you want to filter out employees who make less than $30,000 and more than $100,000, you enter the following condition:
SALARY > 30000 AND SALARY < 100000
You can also enter a constant for the filter condition. The numeric equivalent of FALSE is zero (0). Any non-zero value is the equivalent of TRUE. For example, the transformation contains a port named NUMBER_OF_UNITS with a numeric datatype. You configure a filter condition to return FALSE if the value of NUMBER_OF_UNITS equals zero. Otherwise, the condition returns TRUE.
You do not need to specify TRUE or FALSE as values in the expression. TRUE and FALSE are implicit return values from any condition you set. If the filter condition evaluates to NULL, the row is treated as FALSE.