Creating a Reusable Pipeline Lookup Transformation
Creating a Reusable Pipeline Lookup Transformation
Create a reusable pipeline Lookup transformation in the Transformation Developer. When you create the transformation, choose Source for the lookup table location. The Transformation Developer displays a list of source definitions from the repository.
When you choose a source qualifier that represents a relational table or flat file source definition, the Designer creates a relational or flat file Lookup transformation. When the source qualifier represents an application source, the Designer creates a pipeline Lookup transformation. To create a pipeline Lookup transformation for a relational or flat file lookup source, change the source type to Source Qualifier after you create the transformation. Enter the name of the source definition in the Lookup Table property.
When you drag a reusable pipeline Lookup transformation into a mapping, the Mapping Designer adds the source definition from the Lookup Table property to the mapping. The Designer adds the Source Qualifier transformation.
To change the Lookup Table Name to another source qualifier in the mapping, click the Open button in the Lookup Table Name property. Choose a Source Qualifier from the list.