When you import a target definition from a relational table, the Designer imports the following target details:
Target name.
The name of the target.
Database location.
You specify the database location when you import a relational source. You can specify a different location when you edit the target definition in the Target Designer and when you configure a session.
Column names.
The names of the columns.
The Designer imports the native datatype for each column.
Key constraints.
The constraints in the target definition can be critical, since they may prevent you from moving data into the target if the Integration Service violates a constraint during a workflow. For example, if a column contains the NOT NULL constraint and you do not map data to this column, the Integration Service cannot insert new records into the target table.
Key relationships.
You can customize the Target Designer to create primary key-foreign key relationships. Click Tools > Options and select the Format tab. Select Import Primary and Foreign Keys.
You can also create logical relationships in the repository. Key relationships do not have to exist in the database.
When you import target definitions, the Designer does not import the target indexes. You can change this default setting in powrmart.ini. You can find powrmart.ini in the root directory of the PowerCenter Client installation.
To import target definition indexes, add the following text to powrmart.ini [Main] section:
Because views can include columns from more than one table, the Integration Service might encounter database errors when trying to insert, update, or delete data. If you import a target view, make sure that it is a view of a single table.