Configuring SFTP Connections in PowerCenter®

Configuring SFTP Connections in PowerCenter®

Selecting and Configuring an SFTP Connection in a Session

Selecting and Configuring an SFTP Connection in a Session

Select an FTP connection for a source or target instance that uses SFTP and configure connection options in the Connections settings on the Mapping tab.
  1. In the Workflow Manager, click
    Workflow Designer
    to open the Workflow Designer.
  2. Open the session properties by double-clicking the session icon in the workspace.
    Edit Tasks
    dialog box appears.
  3. On the
    tab, select the source or target instance in the Transformation view.
    The following image shows the Connections settings of the Sources node on the
    The Mapping tab includes properties to configure sources.
  4. Select the FTP connection type.
  5. Click the
    button in the Value field.
    FTP Connection Browser
    dialog box appears with the list of FTP connection objects.
    The following image shows the
    FTP Connection Browser
    dialog box:
    The FTP Connection Browser dialog box has Use object and Use Connection Variable options.
  6. Select a connection object or variable:
    • Use object.
      Select an FTP connection object configured for SFTP. Click the Override button to override connection attributes.
    • Use connection variable.
      Use the $FTPConnection
      session parameter, and define the parameter in the parameter file. Override connection attributes in the parameter file.
  7. Click
    to override the following attributes on the
    FTP Connection Editor
    dialog box:
    Remote Filename
    The remote file name
    for the source or target. If you use an indirect source file, enter the indirect source file name.
    You must use 7-bit ASCII characters for the file name. The session fails if you use a remote file name with Unicode characters.
    If you enter a fully qualified name for the source file name, the PowerCenter Integration Service ignores the path entered in the Default Remote Directory field. The session will fail if you enclose the fully qualified file name in single or double quotation marks.
    You can use a parameter or variable for the remote file name. Use any parameter or variable type that you can define in the parameter file. For example, you can use a session parameter, $ParamMyRemoteFile, as the source or target remote file name, and set $ParamMyRemoteFile to the file name in the parameter file.
    Is Staged
    Stages the source or target file on the PowerCenter Integration Service. Default is not staged.
    Is Transfer Mode ASCII
    Changes the transfer mode. When enabled, the PowerCenter Integration Service uses ASCII transfer mode. You can use ASCII mode when transferring files on Windows machines to ensure that the end of line character is translated properly in text files. When disabled, the PowerCenter Integration Service uses binary transfer mode. Use binary transfer mode when transferring files on UNIX machines. Default is disabled.
    The following image shows the
    Connection Object Definition
    dialog box:
    The Connection Object Definition dialog box lists the attributes to configure an SFTP connection object.
  8. Click


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