Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Change Data Capture Introduction
  3. PowerExchange Listener
  4. PowerExchange Condense
  5. DB2 for i5/OS Change Data Capture
  6. Remote Logging of Data
  7. Introduction to Change Data Extraction
  8. Extracting Change Data
  9. Monitoring CDC Sessions
  10. Managing Change Data Extractions
  11. Tuning CDC Sessions
  12. Appendix A: DTL__CAPXTIMESTAMP Time Stamps

CDC Guide for i5/OS

CDC Guide for i5/OS

PowerExchange Condense Configuration Parameters

PowerExchange Condense Configuration Parameters

Configure PowerExchange Condense parameters in the CAPTPARM configuration member.
PowerExchange provides a sample CAPTPARM member in the following libraries and files:
  • condlib
  • datalib
In the command for starting PowerExchange Condense, the PARM parameter specifies the location of the customized CAPTPARM member.
Parameter descriptions:
The type of data image that PowerExchange Condense captures to condense files. PowerExchange Condense can capture after images only or both before images and after images of the data.
The capture image type must be consistent with the image type delivered to the target during extraction processing.
Valid values:
  • AI
    . After images only. If you enter AI, the following limitations apply:
    • You cannot extract before images to the target.
    • You cannot use DTL_BI columns in extraction maps.
    • If you add DTL_CI columns to extraction maps, any Insert or Delete operations result in Null values in these columns.
  • BA
    . Both before and after images.
Default is AI.
Informatica recommends that you specify BA so that you have the flexibility to use either AI or BA for the PowerCenter
Image Type
connection attribute for extraction processing.
The library and base file name that PowerExchange Condense uses for generating checkpoint files. At installation, this value is set to the following value:
To create the specific checkpoint file names, PowerExchange Condense appends V
to the base file name, where
is a number from 0 to 99. For example:
The number of PowerExchange Condense checkpoint files.
Minimum value is 3. Informatica recommends nine checkpoint files so that enough checkpoint files are likely to be available for reconstructing the CDCT file, if necessary.
Indicates whether PowerExchange Condense runs in continuous mode or batch mode.
Valid values:
  • 0
    . Continuous mode. After each Condense run, PowerExchange Condense waits for the number of minutes that is specified in the NO_DATA_WAIT parameter and then starts another condense cycle. Use this setting if you require 24 x 7 condense processing.
  • 1
    . Batch mode. PowerExchange Condense shuts down after a single Condense run. For example, use batch mode if Condense is scheduled to run after a specific batch update job and then shut down.
Default is 0.
The number of days to retain condense files, CDCT records, and the checkpoint file records that point to condense files. After the retention period elapses for these files and records, PowerExchange Condense deletes them the next time a PowerExchange Condense startup, checkpoint, fileswitch, or shutdown operation runs.
Enter a number of days greater than 0. This period must be long enough for extraction sessions to complete processing the condense files before the files are deleted. Default is 60.
The name of the directory for condense files.
The maximum number of seconds that PowerExchange Condense (DTLCACON) waits after receiving a SHUTDOWN or pwxcmd shutdown command before it stops the shutdown process and fails.
Enter a number from 0 through 2147483647. Default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Set this value based on your environment. You might need to use a value greater than the default value if you have a large number of tables for PowerExchange Condense to process.
The user-defined name of the command-handling service for a PowerExchange Condense process to which you issue pwxcmd commands.
This service name must match the service name that is specified in the associated SVCNODE statement in the DBMOVER configuration file. The SVCNODE statement specifies the
port on which this service listens for pwxcmd commands.
Enter a string of up to 12 characters for the service name. This is the maximum length of the service name that you can specify in the SVCNODE statement. No default is provided.
The source database type. This value must be
for DB2 for i5/OS databases.
The name of the DB2 for i5/OS instance. When used in conjunction with DB_TYPE value, it defines criteria for selecting capture registrations recorded in the CCT file.
This value must match the instance name that is specified for the registration group that contains the capture registrations of interest.
The type of units to use for the FILE_SWITCH_VAL value. These parameters provide criteria for determining when PowerExchange Condense does an automatic file switch.
Valid values:
  • M
    . Minutes.
  • R
    . Records.
Default is M.
The number of FILE_SWITCH_CRIT units at which PowerExchange Condense does an automatic file switch.
Enter a number greater than 0. Default is 30.
For example, if this value is 100000 and FILE_SWITCH_CRIT=R, PowerExchange Condense does a file switch after every 100,000 records.
If FILE_SWITCH_CRIT value is M but the condense file does not contains change data when the FILE_SWITCH_VAL interval is met, a file switch does not occur.
The fully qualified library name and journal name to use instead of the journal that is specified in the PowerExchange capture registration. For example:
Determines how PowerExchange Condense responds if a key in a source table is changed.
By default, PowerExchange Condense expects keys to not be changed after registration of the source table. Use this parameter if you want to change this behavior.
Valid values:
  • N
    . PowerExchange Condense fails if a key is changed.
  • Y
    . PowerExchange Condense ignores the change to the key and continues processing.
Default is N.
The number of minutes that PowerExchange Condense must wait before starting the next condense cycle, when running in continuous mode.
Enter a number greater than 0. Default is 60.
If the FILE_SWITCH_CRIT parameter is set to M for minutes and the FILE_SWITCH_VAL value is less than the NO_DATA_WAIT value, PowerExchange Condense uses the FILE_SWITCH_VAL value instead.
If COLL_END_LOG is set to 1 to run PowerExchange Condense in batch mode, this parameter is ignored.
The number of seconds that PowerExchange Condense waits after it reaches the end-of-log to receive more data from the journal. If this wait period elapses without PowerExchange Condense having received more data, the condense cycle stops.
Enter a number greater than 0. Default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). Informatica recommends 60 seconds (1 minute).
The optimal value for this parameter varies based on work load:
  • If the parameter value is too low, PowerExchange Condense might incorrectly report that no data exists. A delay can occur if a large UOW that contains thousands of rows is started.
  • If the parameter value is too high, an excessive period of apparent inactivity might occur before control returns to the Command Handler and you can enter commands.
The number of minutes that PowerExchange Condense waits after an object is locked before sending a message to the specified i5/OS message queue. The message prompts the user to indicate whether PowerExchange Condense should retry object access.
Enter a number from 0 through 10 followed by a comma and then the message queue name. For example:
Controls whether PowerExchange sends PWX-06449 messages that require a user reply when PowerExchange Condense detects that a record is missing from the CDCT file after synchronization of the checkpoint file to the CDCT file. This message requires a user reply of Y or N.
Synchronization occurs at PowerExchange Condense initialization, after a warm start. During synchronization, if any record in the checkpoint file does not match a record in the CDCT file based on the key fields, the checkpoint file record is not added to the CDCT file. The CDCT file is then missing a record that points to a condense file from which to extract change data for a registered source object and time stamp. For each record that is missing from the CDCT file, PowerExchange issues the following PWX-06446 warning message followed by the optional PWX-06449 user reply message:
PWX-06446 Checkpoint to CDCT synchronization not done for time stamp "time_stamp" tag "registration_tag" number record_count reason. PWX-06449 There are missing resources, these can not be recovered. Continue? (Y/N)
You must respond Y or N to each PWX-06449 message to indicate whether to continue or end PowerExchange Condense processing. Use this parameter to suppress these user reply messages if you want PowerExchange Condense to continue without interruption and if the loss of some change data during extraction processing is tolerable for the reported time stamps and registrations.
Valid values:
  • Y
    . When PowerExchange Condense detects missing records in the CDCT file after checkpoint-to-CDCT synchronization, PWX-06449 messages are displayed as user reply messages and written to the PowerExchange message log that is specified in the AS400USRMSGQ statement in the DBMOVER member of the CFG configuration file. You must reply Y or N to each of the user reply messages to indicate whether PowerExchange Condense processing should continue without the CDCT records or stop.
    • If you reply Y, PowerExchange Condense continues processing. In this case, extraction processes will not be able to find some condense files based on the CDCT file for data extraction. Skipping some change data might be acceptable if the condense files contain old data or if the CDC workflow already processed these condense files. Use the time stamps reported in the PWX-06446 messages to determine if the data is old. If you need to extract the data, you must cold start the CDC session from earlier point in time.
    • If you reply N, PowerExchange Condense stops.
  • N
    . When PowerExchange Condense detects missing records in the CDCT file, PWX-06449 messages are suppressed. PowerExchange Condense processing continues uninterrupted without the PWX-06449 user reply messages.
Default is Y.
Identifies the capture registrations that PowerExchange Condense will use to process source data. For example:
For i5/OS sources, you can specify the capture registrations in either the CAPTPARM member or in the default DBMOVER configuration file. However, do not specify them in both locations.
If you do not specify registrations, condense processing is as before, everything in the instance which is labelled for condense.
The restart tokens that PowerExchange Condense uses to determine the start point in the change data stream when you cold start PowerExchange Condense.
Valid values:
  • Specific non-zero token values that are valid in both parameters. PowerExchange Condense starts from the point in the journal receivers that the specific token values define.
  • Only zeroes for the entire token values in both parameters. PowerExchange Condense starts from the beginning of the oldest receiver in the current chain of receivers.
  • No parameter values. PowerExchange Condense starts from the beginning of the oldest chain of journal receivers.
The PowerExchange sample 80-column configuration file lets you enter 65 characters for the token values. However, the sequence token is a 72-byte hexadecimal value. If you use the sample configuration file, you can optionally use the SEQUENCE_TOKN2 and RESTART_TOKN2 parameters to split the token values at any point you specify. PowerExchange concatenates the two parts for processing.
Indicates whether PowerExchange Condense attempts to handle abnormal termination conditions.
Valid values:
  • Y
    . PowerExchange Condense takes automatic action when certain types of abnormal termination conditions occur, such as memory corruption. The system attempts to close down in an orderly manner.
  • N
    . No automatic trapping of system errors occurs. Instead, the operating system uses its default error handling. Usually, the operating system reports the offending program line and dump memory.
Indicates whether PowerExchange Condense issues verbose or terse messages for frequent PowerExchange Condense activities such as cleanup processing, checkpoints, condense cycles, and file switch processing.
Valid values:
  • Y
    . Verbose messaging.
  • N
    . Terse messaging
Default is Y.


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